Get out of your head, and give birth to the non-binary daughter of wisdom

The Learning Story Coach
3 min readDec 5, 2021


Athena born from the Head of Zeus

Explaining yourself sounds a lot like making excuses. Don’t bother. Do what you know you need to do every day, and don’t worry about it. You might ask, how do you know what you need to do if you don’t worry about it a little? Fair enough. I’m glad you asked, because asking questions is how you find answers. And there is an answer to the question of what you need to be doing every day without worrying about it.

You have a power of knowing that does not come from thinking, and does not depend on or require you to explain yourself to yourself or anyone else for validation. You have the power to perceive what is essential directly, and know.

Your intuition is the key to your quantum leap know-how, and your quantum leap can-do. It is totally non-binary. It arrives at knowing without calculation, or need for development and argument. It arrives fully formed, like the stories tell us Athena was born from the holy head of the god Zeus.

You worry because you think that thinking is going to solve your problems, and that explaining is going to help someone else understand your way of thinking. The problem is that everyone has to do their own thinking, and the variables that one person thinks to include do not always match the variables found in another person’s life experience.

The virtual world is binary. The world wide web of the internet and all the computer special effects we see in movies are constructed on the basis of two possibilities or commands for the direction of energy, and flow of electricity. On or off, yes or no. Those are the only options. Binary code is the basis for endless combinations of energy flow that can be arranged to create worlds of meaning and images that represent and interface with relationships in the real world. These images and interfaces serve to represent and explore reality but they are not the actual reality.

We construct a virtual reality because it is necessary to “show our work.” This is how many of us learned to “do the math”, and indicate the steps we used to determine our answers to mathematics problems in our school days. Continuing with the practice in other areas of life allows us to go back, and check our work for errors if we are not finding the answers we expect. It can also help our teachers know we are actually learning something, and not just copying the answers from one of our fellow students. So this is an opportunity for a Learning Story.

Notice any thoughts that are worrying you, anything you feel a need to explain or anything that produces a feeling of anxiety or confusion in your interactions with others. Write down what you think the main idea is in the center of a piece of paper, and draw lines connecting the main idea to a circle of ideas around it like the spokes of a wheel.

Recognize the different relationships the main idea has with the ideas around it, each one of them real in a relative sense but only representing an aspect of the reality. Ask yourself what the deeper reality is, beyond thought and language, beyond ideas about the problem. Who would you be without your ideas about the problem?

Respond by making a commitment to taking action based on what you know already. Do the math. Show your work. But don’t think about it, or worry about getting it right. That will only prevent you from doing the good you can do with the right spirit, and a limited understanding. Meditate on it. Transcend the binary system. Pray.

Spin the wheel and see what happens. If you write all down, you don’t have to keep in all in your head. Let go of trying to make sense of it all, and just do what you know is right in this moment.

Tell no one. Do not explain what you are doing. The right thing to do is nothing anyone has any business knowing about for anyone else. That’s reality.



The Learning Story Coach

Helping parents heal trauma & transform their family Learning Story with a quantum leap strategy: Notice. Recognize. Respond.