ICO Analysis: Endor

Interchain Ventures
8 min readMar 11, 2018


Brief summary

Endor is looking to solve the current problem with data and market analytics, that is the lack of availability to everyday users due to the high cost of compiling and analysing this data.

Lets reinvent the wheel;

Endor are reinventing predictive analytics by democratizing access to Artificial Intelligence for data analysis — making it accessible, trustless, censorship-resistant and useful for everybody. This will be achieved through the Endor protocol and will be the world’s first automated, self-served and predictive platform.

Anyone using the platform can provide RFPs (request for predictions).

Endors goal is provide AI analytics and predictions that are affordable for everyone by utilising Social Physics data and only providing users with the personalised component they require. Endor is taking away the stress of coding, data cleaning and the need to be surrounded by a team of professionals to get accurate market predictions.

Ultimately, the Endor protocol enables end-users to obtain superior predictions at a much lower cost than in the existing landscape.

Token Symbol: EDR
Website: https://www.endor.com/
Whitepaper: Download here
Token type: ERC20
Hardcap: 45million
Price per EDR: USD$0.267
Bonus structure: 0–15%
Countries excluded: US and Canada
ICO date: Only private sale
Token distribution

- 40% Reserves for development, operations and ecosystem
- 20% Team and Advisors
- 20% Token Private Sale / Crowd-Sale
- 20% Strategic partners

Total $225million

Operating Concept

Endors operating concept is to create a democratic Artificial and Predictive Analytic Platform that gives everyone the ability to understand, predict and influence consumer behaviour quickly, through the predictive analysis of Social Physics — combined with the decentralisation and security of the Blockchain.

The Endor platform aims to be the “Google for predictive analytics.”

“A truly democratized prediction protocol must allow data-providers to freely contribute data while allowing technology experts to contribute AI and Prediction engines, all of this — to allow the end-users to easily consume predictions that are based on these data sources, and prepared for them by these engines.”

To transcend current limitations, a new Science — Social Physics was developed at MIT by Endor.coins founders, Dr Yaniv Altshurler and Prof. Alex Pentland. Through a set of mathematical equations that consistently emerge in behavioural data sources, the Social Physics theory enables the automatic transformation of any behavioural data source to a set of behavioural clusters.

Link to Social Physics.

The protocol is fully decentralized, providing complete accountability for the prediction results. This prevents manipulation or bias during these predictions. The decentralized and open nature of the protocol prevents censorship by any singular authority. It enables the integration of new data sources, as well as new prediction engines — creating a double network effect.

All data contributed to the Endor network is sovereign and can be flagged as public, private or broken into both, which will appeal to both individual users and business’ alike.

As new players bring in new data sources and prediction engines, the cost of prediction will decrease. For users wanting prediction data only this usage will result in increased cost of prediction.

Token use case

EDR tokens create the base of the Endor protocol economy and will be used to power transactions on the platform.

The EDR tokens

- Serve as a key or software licence
- Data providers pay a fee for the analysis of data
- Providers of prediction engines receive payment for these analysis’

Q. Why tokenise this?

EDR is being tokenised for the democratization of predictive science for Individuals and Business’.

1. It will enable an ecosystem that provides accurate and affordable predictions. The execution will be decentralised and will optimize the predictions automatically, allowing any prediction to be executed in a truly decentralised, trustless manner.

2. For decentralised execution — Endor.coin protocol selects the most relevant behavioural clusters for each prediction, regardless of the analytics engine or data sources involved in creating these clusters. It optimizes the predictions automatically, allowing any prediction to be executed in a decentralised, trustless manner.

3. Monetization: Any token holder will be able to send a “request for prediction” and get accurate results.

4. Accountability and authentication — every bit of data will be recorded transparently on the Blockchain maintaining integrity.

Q. How these tokens will provide value to the investor?

As the EDR token is usable at day one of the token launch, users will have access to the pre-defined predictions of the existing engine. From this point you will be able to request predictions in addition to the pre-defined ones.

Token holders and speculators are incentivized to buy and hold EDR tokens, as expected increased usage will result increased cost for prediction, driving token value up and rewarding users who get tokens early on.


Endor is an ERC20 token built on the Ethereum Blockchain.

The platform is powered by MIT’s Social Physics engine, providing up to 10x higher accuracy for trend prediction. It focuses on the automatic modelling of short-medium range behavioural patterns, detecting these signals before they become observable by any other available technology.

This already working engine will be directly plugged into the network upon launch, making it usable immediately. Endor will also fund and facilitate the development of new prediction engines to create an ever-growing ecosystem of predictive engines. Each added engine will boost platform performance and add to the unbias nature of the results.

The engine was established around the novel science of Social Physics, disrupting the way Data Science is being perceived today. This project is built off the back of 3 years of MIT research and an additional 3 years of development by researchers and engineers and what they’ve created is the worlds first fully-automatic “Data Science as a Service” engine.

The protocol supports the integration of data through on-boarding API calls and the later releases of Endor protocol will include support in a “do-it-yourself” API for advanced users. Users will be able to on-board data and create new types of predictions. If these predictions become used, the developer will be rewarded with EDR tokens.

Data is stored and computed off chain in a deistrbuted hash-table that is accessible through the blokchain, which stores the references to the data but not the data itself. The data is encrypted on the client’s side prior to transfer.

Once the results are available after computation, it is broadcast through the Blockchain for end users.

The solution Endor propose is one that;

- Is self reliant
- Decentralised
- Plans to generate a strong network effect
- Become cheaper as the network grows
- Un-bias and trustless
- Scalable
- Targeted to high end customers but can be utilised by anyone
- Has the scope for large-scaled adoption



Endor has already worked along some large corporations including MasterCard, Walmart and Coca Cola. In a recent joint study with Coca Cola the ability of Social Physics was able to provide accurate predictions on a wide range of consumer behaviours. Using point of sale transactions Endors engine detected nearly 20 million “correlated anomalies” and used the system to find lookalike users who share similar behaviour. This data was very beneficial to Coca Cola.

A second example of Endors possible reach was in a recent test for a customer, 15 million tweets meta-data was provided to the Endor engine as raw-data for analysis. In addition the customer revealed the identity of 50 Twitter accounts known to be ISIS activists that were contained within this data. The task took only 24 minutes on a single laptop and discovered another 74 accounts that were hidden in the data. — Israeli Intelligence Corps.

Having worked already with large Fortune500 companies and government shows the teams ability to network and build relationships with large business. All these connections can provide inroads and partnerships going forward.


CEO, Co-founder — Dr. Altshurler
IBM/ developed a novel optimization technique used to boost the performance of supercomputers

Co-founder — Prof. Alex “Sandy” Pentland
Director of MIT Media Lab Entrepreneurship program
Director of MIT Connection Science and Human Dynamics labs
Leader at world economic forum
Member of advisory boards Google, AT&T, Nissan, UN Secretary General Winner of DARPA Network challenge Forbes “7 most powerful data scientists in the world”

CPO, Co-founder — Stav Grinshpon
Expert in cyber defence

COO, Co-founder — Inbal Tirosh
Global product and strategy leader
Hewlett Packard Better Place
MBA from Columbia University and Ben Gurion University
BA from Ben Gurion

Vice Chairman — David Shrier
Serial entrepreneur
Created Oxford Blockchain Strategy
Created Oxford Fintech programs

Chief Alchemist: Prof. Mihaela Ulieru
Deep learning research: Dr. Goren Gordon
Algorithm expert: Dr. Arie Matsliah
Machine learning: Shahar Somin-Gavrielov
Software engineer: Lior Regev
Customer service: Edo Eisenberg
Operations manager: Liat Yitzhaki


Prof. Alexander Lipton, Ron Gross, Dr. Daniel Tunkelang, Prof. Michael Bronstein, Dr. Wei Pan, Thomas Hardjono, Dr. Nuria Oliver, Igor Gonta, Guy Zyskind.

Experience — Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Israeli Bitcoin Association, Omni, MIT, Vodaphone, Microsoft, CEO of Enigma plus more.


- Cheaper as data can be isolated as requested
- Predictions are stored indefinitely
- First mover advantage
- Fully decentralised
- Strong team with proven success and partnerships
- Target market is high-end business, banks, retailers etc
- AI will have a big role in coming years
- Learning machine
- EDR token will be usable at day 1 of token launch
- If platform is successful, increased usage will give value to tokens


- Initially new RFPs (request for predictions) would start with a relatively high cost
- Initial scaling could be expensive for pioneer users

I do have concerns regarding their token metrics. The team is taking 20% of tokens, which yes — given regular circumstances would be normal for an ICO. But Endor total value equates to $225million. The team and advisors are securing themselves a payday of $45million in tokens excluding potential appreciating value.

They do have a minimum vesting period of two years which is pretty standard and given that I see this as a serious product with a team that will deliver I have no doubt they will work as hard as possible to see Endor succeed. There are another 20% of total tokens going to strategic investors. I hope these are to well placed partnerships.

Given the use case of Endor, strategic investment would definitely get the ball running if these partnerships are with large corporations, institutions or governments. To summarize, nothing is perfect.. Endor is damn close though. I look forward to seeing the team and community progress 2018–2019.


With time Endor plans to become the premier development platform for entrepreneurial coders and enterprises, thus democratizing Machine Learning.

It will be automatic, trustless, decentralized, fully scalable and the predictions will be fully transparent to the end user.

Their target scope is large and if adopted by some of these major markets it will create great demand for such data and analytics. This matched with Endors plans to build more engines and allow advanced users to create new types of predictions could see this turn into a bubbling eco-system of business, developers and consumers with a fee/reward based model. The team is very strong with a proven track record and specialists with major business and government connections.

Operating concept — Pass
Token use case — Pass
Fundamentals — Pass
Partners — Pass
Team — Pass
Advisors — Pass

Demo of product

