The President’s Quixotic Battles

Your White Knight Has No Shining Armor

Thoughts And Ideas
3 min readJun 2, 2017


altered depiction of Donald Trump and Steve Bannon as Don Quixote and Sancho Panza

Making America Great Again, as it were — contextually, is malignant Quixotism and the professed heroism of President Donald Trump rushing in to protect us from this imaginary world that is out to dupe or shaft Americans is a clear departure from reality. In fact, it should behoove Trump supporters to actually read or learn about versions of the fictional Don Quixote of La Mancha, to better ascertain the president’s mislaid moral compass which seems highly corruptible. And unlike Quixote, it is highly improbable that the mounting losses for his causes would prompt Trump towards sanity. This is the tragedy of the Trump administration and the emotive influence to undo, or remake the republic is a nihilistic turn away from meaningful interdependence on global cooperation and peace.

The President’s battle with the courts or better yet the judicial branch of government over the stay of his executive order on essentially the Muslim travel ban is a lost cause. Terrorism isn’t exclusive to Arab countries who predominately practice Islam. The president’s asymmetric response to an instance of pervasive terror bubbles we face here domestically in the US like the grisly murderous attack of two men in Portland and near fatal assault of another who were just standing up in defense of the verbal abuse inflicted upon two girls by a Republican leaning, white supremacist and nationalist pales in both urgency and or reproach.

The battle to save American jobs from export is being waged against who exactly? Greedy, short-sighted corporations or the countries that afford corporate behemoths the cheap labor in exchange for huge profit margins, or is it our own plutocratically influential government who fail to set sustainable policies and address our weak institutions for competitive global interdependence and economic stability? By the way addressing one or more of these proximate causes (or the engagement of these political proxy wars) seem to do little against the real aggressor in advancing technology which is seen ultimately winning that battle.

Speaking of war, what is the ultimate resolve of the Syrian civil conflict? Are we to presume that the presidential order of the military strike on a Syrian government airbase in response to the chemical weapons attack on innocent Syrian civilians has solved the humanitarian crisis there? Whatever that political calculus is or was for Syria it hasn’t made much of a difference thus far.

The withdrawal from the Paris Accord in hopes for a better deal?!? This is not a trade agreement. This is a save the planet from pollution commitment. And so the madness continues.

Don Quixote’s comedic yet cruel, and petty chivalrous battles are in many ways like the ones Trump is engaged in now and the president’s policies can be just as incoherent as the protagonist in the novels he seems to be portraying in real life.

