Interesting Facts about Ants — Coolest Fact

Coolest Fact
1 min readApr 13, 2023


In this article, you will get the top interesting facts about ants. Firstly, you would know what ants are.

Ants are complex insects that live in large social groups called colonies. As insects, ants have a hard outer body called an exoskeleton and three body parts: head, thorax, and abdomen. Ants have two pairs of appendages on their head the mandibles, used for grabbing or fighting, and maxillae, used for breaking up food into small bits for swallowing.

Top 10 Interesting Facts about Ants

The top 10 interesting facts about ants are as follows:

1. What Do Ants Eat? Coolest Fact

Ants will eat just about anything. That means they’ll eat the same foods that you eat, like vegetables, meats, fruits, nuts, juice, and even soda. Also, ants like every kind of food, just like you might not like bananas, but you might love pizza. So, there are more than 10,000 different types of ants, and each kind of ant likes to eat certain things.

See the full article at Interesting Facts about Ants.



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