A Comprehensive Guide to Git Hooks: Automate Your Workflow Like a Pro

6 min readJun 11, 2023



Git, the popular version control system, offers a powerful feature called “hooks” that allows developers to automate various tasks during their workflow. Hooks are scripts that are executed at specific points in the Git process, enabling you to enforce coding standards, run tests, and trigger deployment processes. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of Git hooks, understand their lifecycle, and learn how to leverage them effectively on your local machine.

Understanding Git Hooks

Git hooks are scripts that Git executes automatically at certain events during its workflow. These events include actions like committing changes, merging branches, or pushing changes to a remote repository. Hooks allow developers to customise and automate tasks related to these events, providing flexibility and efficiency in the development process.

Git provides two types of hooks: client-side hooks and server-side hooks. Client-side hooks run on your local machine, while server-side hooks are executed on the remote Git server. In this article, we will focus on client-side hooks.

Leveraging Git Hooks for Automation

Git hooks provide a wide range of possibilities for automation and customisation. You can leverage hooks to enforce coding standards, run tests automatically before committing, trigger deployment processes, or integrate with external tools in your development workflow.

Client-Side Hooks: A Deep Dive

Pre-Commit Hook

The pre-commit hook is executed before creating a new commit. It allows you to perform checks on the changes being committed, such as code linting, running pre-commit tests, or validating commit message formats. If this hook exits with a non-zero status, the commit process is aborted.

Prepare-Commit-Msg Hook

The prepare-commit-msg hook runs after the pre-commit hook but before the commit message editor is displayed. It provides an opportunity to modify the commit message or automatically append information to it. This hook receives the path to a temporary file containing the commit message.

Commit-Msg Hook

The commit-msg hook is triggered after the commit message is created but before the commit is finalised. It allows you to perform additional checks on the commit message, such as validating its format or ensuring it follows specific guidelines. If this hook exits with a non-zero status, the commit process is aborted.

Post-Commit Hook

The post-commit hook is executed after a commit is made. It can be used to trigger notifications, update issue trackers, or perform other post-commit tasks.

Pre-Rebase Hook

The pre-rebase hook runs before starting a Git rebase operation. It allows you to perform checks or actions before rebasing, such as ensuring the working directory is clean or creating backups.

Post-Checkout Hook

The post-checkout hook is triggered after a successful `git checkout` command. It can be used to perform actions after switching branches, such as resetting local configuration files or updating dependencies.

Post-Merge Hook

The post-merge hook runs after a successful `git merge` command. It can be used to update the working tree, refresh dependencies, or trigger build processes.

Pre-Push Hook

The pre-push hook is executed before a `git push` command is executed. It allows you to run tests, check the consistency of code, or perform other pre-push validations. If this hook exits with a non-zero status, the push operation is aborted.

Internals of Git Hooks: (internal_s)

The default Git hooks are stored in the global templates directory and are copied to the .git/hooks/ directory when initialising a new repository. The global template directory is typically located at /usr/share/git-core/templates/hooks or ~/.git-templates/hooks.

When you run git init to create a new repository, Git copies the hook templates from the global template directory (usually located at /usr/share/git-core/templates/hooks or ~/.git-templates/hooks) to the .git/hooks/ directory within the newly created repository.

These global template hooks serve as a starting point and provide examples for different types of hooks that you can use in your project. However, they are not directly linked to the global template directory after the repository is created. Any modifications or updates to the global template hooks will not affect existing repositories or new repositories created thereafter.

The copied hook templates in the .git/hooks/ directory are suffixed with the .sample extension. To activate and customize a specific hook, you need to remove the .sample extension from the corresponding hook script and make it executable. Git will recognize and execute the active hook script at the appropriate stage in the Git workflow.

It’s worth noting that the global template directory and its contents can be modified or customised to suit your needs. However, existing repositories will not be affected by these changes, and new repositories created using git init will still use the default global template hooks unless explicitly modified.

Additionally, the .git directory is considered the repository's "metadata" and contains information specific to your local repository, such as commit history, branches, and configuration.

It is important to note that the popular Git repositories hosting services such as Github, Gitlab does not allow pushing the.git directory as pushing the .git directory to the remote repository would include all the hooks, along with sensitive information and local configuration that is not intended for sharing and could lead to unintended consequences.

Setting Up Git Hooks on Your Local Machine:

Manually setting up Git hooks on the local machines of every developer can be a challenging and time-consuming task. Each developer needs to create/copy the appropriate hook scripts, make them executable, and place them in the .git/hooks/ directory of their individual repositories. This process requires coordination and consistency across the team.

Automating Git Hook Setup with the “Init Script Runner” Plugin:

To simplify the process of setting up Git hooks on local machines, you can leverage the “Init Script Runner” plugin available for JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA. The plugin allows you to automate the execution of custom initialisation scripts during IntelliJ IDEA’s startup.

Click here to read for more information on this plugin.

By utilising the “Init Script Runner” plugin, you can create an init script that automatically sets up the necessary Git hooks for your project. The init script can copy the hook scripts to the appropriate .git/hooks/ directory, make them executable, and configure any additional settings required.

This automation eliminates the manual effort required to set up Git hooks on each developer’s machine. With a single initialisation script, you can ensure consistency across the team and streamline the process of incorporating Git hooks into the development workflow.

Best Practices and Tips

To make the most out of Git hooks, consider the following best practices:

1. Keep hooks under version control: By keeping hooks in your repository, you ensure that everyone working on the project benefits from them. Hooks can be shared and collaborated on, making it easier to enforce consistent standards across the team.

2. Collaborate with your team: When working in a team, it’s crucial to communicate and collaborate on the hooks. Make sure everyone is aware of the hooks being used, their purpose, and any changes made to them.

3. Write robust and portable hooks: Ensure your hooks are robust, handling different scenarios gracefully. Make them portable by considering cross-platform compatibility and avoiding hard-coded paths or dependencies.

4. Test your hooks: Before deploying hooks to production or sharing them with your team, test them thoroughly. Ensure they work as intended and don’t have any adverse effects on your workflow.

5. Document your hooks: Documenting your hooks helps future maintainers understand their purpose and how to use them. Include instructions, examples, and any specific requirements or configurations.


Git hooks provide a powerful way to automate and customise your Git workflow. By understanding the lifecycle of hooks and the different types available, you can enhance your development process, enforce coding standards, and streamline your workflow. Leveraging Git hooks for automation allows you to save time, improve code quality, and ensure consistent practices within your team. Start exploring the possibilities of Git hooks on your local machine and take your development process to the next level.

Remember, automation is the key to efficiency, and Git hooks are the key to automation in the Git ecosystem.

