Chesham & Villages Community Board: Celebrating Community Heroes: Proud of Bucks Award Ceremony 2023

Buckinghamshire Council blogs
3 min readAug 1, 2023


On Thursday, 27th April 2023, the Chesham Town Hall was alive with excitement and anticipation as it played host to the prestigious Proud of Bucks Award Ceremony for Chesham and Villages. The event celebrated the outstanding contributions and selfless efforts of local volunteers across the Chesham and Villages Board area who have made a significant impact in their communities. These unsung heroes, armed with care, creativity, and commitment, have helped shape their local areas for the better.

The Proud of Bucks Awards are organised by Buckinghamshire’s 16 Community Boards, which recognise the importance of community engagement and the immense value of volunteers. Each year, the awards are presented in three categories, highlighting the diverse ways in which these community champions have made a positive difference.

The award ceremony was an afternoon filled with gratitude and admiration, as these exceptional individuals and groups were celebrated for their outstanding contributions. Each winner received a trophy and a certificate of recognition for their invaluable efforts.

The Proud of Bucks Awards serve as a reminder that a single act of kindness, creativity, or community engagement can spark a chain reaction of positivity. These volunteers and community groups have showcased the power of collective action and the profound impact it can have on the lives of others.

The event was elevated to an unforgettable experience as a three-piece Ukrainian music ensemble graced the Council Chambers, filling the air with enchanting classical melodies that captivated the audience from the very start. The family-group of talented musicians opened the award ceremony with their exceptional performance. Following the musical interlude, the Community Board Manager introduced each musician and shared their incredible journey from Ukraine to Chesham.

The Proud of Bucks Award Ceremony 2023 was a resounding success, shedding light on the boundless potential of volunteerism and community engagement. Let us continue to celebrate and support these unsung heroes, for they are the heart and soul of our beloved communities. Their selflessness and dedication are a testament to the power of kindness, and they serve as an inspiration for all of us to make a positive impact in our own neighbourhoods.

Local Community Champion:

WINNER: Graham Eades (Scouts)

Graham Eades’ passion for the Scouting movement has been nothing short of inspirational. As a tireless volunteer, Graham has dedicated countless hours to mentoring and guiding young Scouts, instilling in them the values of leadership, teamwork, and community service. His dedication has had a profound impact on the lives of numerous young individuals, moulding them into responsible and compassionate citizens.

HIGHLY COMMENDED 1: Sarah Graham (Hilltops Ukraine Support Community)

Sarah Graham’s humanitarian work with the Hilltops Ukraine Support Community has been truly remarkable. Her efforts in organising the arrivals of the Ukrainians in the local area have been outstanding. Sarah’s compassion and drive serve as an inspiration to us all.

HIGHLY COMMENDED 2: Colette Salkeld (Chiltern Sunflower Support)

Colette Salkeld’s dedication to supporting individuals with special needs through Chiltern Sunflower Support has been extraordinary. Her commitment to creating an inclusive and supportive environment for all members of the community is commendable and has touched the lives of many Ukrainian families.

Young Community Champion:

WINNER: Aqsa (Citizen Advice Volunteer)

Despite her young age, Aqsa has shown exceptional maturity and empathy in her role as a volunteer at Citizen Advice. Her dedication to helping those in need, providing valuable assistance, and guiding individuals through challenging situations demonstrates wisdom beyond her years.

HIGHLY COMMENDED: Oscar (Youth Club Volunteer)

Oscar’s involvement in the local youth club has been exemplary. As a youth club volunteer, he has actively organised engaging activities, encouraged participation, and created a safe and welcoming space for young people to come together and thrive.

Community Group Contributions:

WINNER: The Repair Café

The Repair Café has become a cornerstone of sustainability and community spirit. This group’s commitment to reducing waste, promoting repair and reuse, and fostering a culture of sharing skills has had a positive impact on the environment and brought neighbours closer together.

HIGHLY COMMENDED: Chesham in Bloom

Chesham in Bloom’s dedication to beautifying public spaces and green areas within the community has made Chesham a more vibrant and welcoming place for residents and visitors alike.



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