Wing & Ivinghoe Community Board announce the winners of their Proud of Bucks Awards 2022

Buckinghamshire Council blogs
4 min readAug 1, 2023


Over 50 people came along to celebrate our Proud of Bucks award nominees and winners, whilst also having the opportunity to meet and network, outside of their day to day routines. Notable guests included Martin Gallagher, CEO of the Clare Foundation, and George Anson, High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire 20/21.

We were joined by partner organisations including FairHive and Trading Standards, alongside staff from the local secondary school, art therapist Belinda Hunt and Pitstone and Ivinghoe repair café founder. The evening was warm and light. The hall was bright and airy and offered a pleasant welcome to all who came. Refreshments were on offer and supporting colleagues were on hand to serve up replenishments. There was a lovely buzz to the room as people from across the board gathered to network. Stalls were able to talk to those with interest. After 45 minutes, both the Community Board Manager and Chair welcomed the guests as the POB ceremony began.

CEO of the Clare Foundation was also invited up to say a few words, as a sponsor and partner for the event. Following an insightful piece from Martin, the awards began. Cllr Diana Blamires presented the young community champion award. She was followed by Cllr Peter Cooper who announced the group contribution winners. Cllr Peter Brazier followed to present a Highly Commended award, before Cllr Chris Poll wrapped up the last award presentation to our Local Community Champion — Cathy Craft.

All nominees who received an award, were notably surprised. All knowledge that they had won, was kept well under wraps until the announcements. The Community Board Manager went on to invite everyone to stay for further networking opportunities and gave a special thank you to all nominees, their supportive friends, family and neighbours. Photo opportunities followed.

The night ended by 8.30pm and all who attended agreed that they had a splendid time. Next year, we hope that the school will be a little more involved, along with youth voice, who were also in attendance.

Award winner, Cathy Craft, said:

“Many thanks for the award and a wonderful networking evening .

I came away with so many ideas for helping people in the area. I feel so surprised to receive the award and will take great delight in sharing it with Cheddington friends who help out with the activities that I run- Singalong for those with memory problems, baby and Toddler group, Open Doors and the lunch club and our Film night. None of the activities would be possible without their help.

Once again, many thanks for the award. I feel truly blessed and humbled”.

Young Community Champion

Winner: Jack Bridgen

“Jack is an active and engaged member of our community, wholeheartedly dedicated to supporting those around them. They volunteer with the local Beavers group, taking immense pride in their involvement. Their love for helping others knows no bounds, and they consistently go above and beyond to uplift and assist our community.

In addition to their involvement with the Beavers, our winner has also been part of a group of volunteers who recycle Christmas trees for a meaningful community project. The funds raised from this initiative have been generously donated to local charities such as Leukaemia Sycosis. Furthermore, this exceptional young person is an integral part of the newly formed community liaison committee, bridging the gap between The Cottesloe School and the community it serves”.

Community Group Contribution

Winner: Wingrave Warm Spaces

“Initially, warm spaces opened its doors 4 days a week, a different space was allocated a different day. Each one offering a welcoming social environment where locals can come together in comfort. Wingrave warm spaces is a place to connect, to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, and to savour a nourishing light meal. This simple act of kindness has made a profound impact on the lives of many. Now that the warmth is back. Warm spaces have stripped back as it continues to support those who are socially isolated and enjoyed the opportunity to mix and be in touch with others. The success of Warm Spaces is a testament to the power of collaboration and generosity. It has received vital support from grants, local businesses, and kind-hearted individuals, all of whom have rallied behind this cause without expecting anything in return. It’s a beautiful demonstration of our community’s spirit and compassion”.

Local Community Champion

Winner: Cathy Craft

“The impact of Cathy’s dedication reaches far beyond the school grounds, where she has inspired over 1,000 children with learning and development needs. In the village newsletter, residents expressed their heartfelt gratitude to Cathy and the other organizers for establishing the weekly Friday morning Open Doors Group at the Methodist Church Hall. This welcoming and friendly gathering has seen a significant increase in attendance since the end of lockdown. Residents come together to enjoy table games like Trionimoes and Scrabble, engage in heartfelt conversations over cups of tea or coffee, and build meaningful friendships. Through this group, individuals have found companionship, exchanging news and invaluable advice based on personal experiences”.

Highly Commended: Howard Jones

Howard Jones is deserving of our recognition for their exceptional efforts in the car scheme. As other volunteers faced the need to reduce their commitments, Howard increased their level of volunteering, stepping up when the community needed them most. Their kind and caring attitude has earned them the admiration and gratitude of the passengers they serve. Reliability and diligence are the cornerstones of their service, ensuring that the car scheme continues to operate smoothly.



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