Navigating Medical Travel from Nigeria to India: A Simple Guide

International Cancer Care
3 min readJan 10, 2024


When it comes to seeking medical treatment abroad, India has emerged as a preferred destination for many Nigerians. The seamless blend of world-class medical facilities and cost-effective services has made Medical Tourism in India an attractive option. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of medical travel to India from Nigeria, covering essential aspects such as choosing a Medical Tourism Company in India, obtaining a visa invitation letter from Indian hospitals, and addressing medical care for Nigerian patients in India.

Choosing a Medical Tourism Company in India

Medical Tourism Companies play a crucial role in facilitating a smooth journey for international patients. These companies serve as a bridge between Nigerian patients and Indian hospitals. They help in coordinating medical appointments, travel arrangements, accommodation, and other logistics.

If you are considering medical travel to India from Nigeria, start by researching reputable Medical Tourism Companies in India. Look for companies with a proven track record of assisting patients from Nigeria and positive testimonials. A reliable company will guide you through the entire process, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Medical Travel to India From Nigeria

Once you’ve selected a Medical Tourism Company in India, the next step is planning your medical travel. This involves booking flights, securing accommodation, and understanding the cultural differences. Ensure that your chosen company provides comprehensive assistance, including airport transfers and local support during your stay in India.

Medical Care For Nigerian Patients in India

India is renowned for its advanced medical facilities and skilled healthcare professionals. Nigerian patients seeking medical care in India can expect a wide range of specialized treatments, including cardiac procedures, organ transplants, and advanced surgeries. The Medical Tourism Company will connect you with renowned hospitals and specialists, ensuring that you receive the best possible medical care.

How to Visit India for Medical Treatment from Nigeria?

To visit India for medical treatment, follow these simplified steps:

a. Contact a reputable Medical Tourism Company in India.

b. Provide necessary medical documents for evaluation.

c. Receive treatment options and cost estimates.

d. Choose a suitable hospital and treatment plan.

e. Coordinate travel arrangements with the assistance of the Medical Tourism Company.

f. Arrive in India, where local support will be provided.

How to Get Visa Invitation Letter from Indian Hospitals

Getting a visa invitation letter is a crucial step in the process. Indian hospitals often issue invitation letters to international patients to facilitate their visa application. Here’s a straightforward guide:

a. Select a hospital in India for your medical treatment.

b. Contact the hospital’s international patient department.

c. Provide necessary medical documents for evaluation.

d. Request a visa invitation letter.

e. Receive the invitation letter to include with your visa application.


Q1: How much does medical treatment in India cost compared to Nigeria?

A1: Medical treatment in India is often more cost-effective than in Nigeria. However, the exact cost depends on the type of treatment and hospital chosen.

Q2: Is language a barrier in Indian hospitals?

A2: English is widely spoken in Indian hospitals, and many healthcare professionals are fluent in the language, ensuring effective communication.

Q3: How long does it take to obtain a visa invitation letter?

A3: The time to receive a visa invitation letter varies among hospitals. It’s advisable to start the process well in advance of your planned travel date.

Q4: Can family members accompany the patient?

A4: Yes, family members can accompany the patient, and the Medical Tourism Company can assist in making necessary arrangements.


Embarking on a journey for medical treatment in India from Nigeria is a step towards quality healthcare and cost-effective solutions. By partnering with a reputable Medical Tourism Company in India, patients can navigate the process seamlessly. Obtaining a visa invitation letter from Indian hospitals is a straightforward process, ensuring a smooth entry into the country.

For a comprehensive and supportive experience, consider reaching out to International Cancer Care Medical Tourism Company in India. They specialize in providing medical care for Nigerian patients in India, offering guidance and assistance at every step of the journey. Your health is their priority, and they are committed to making your medical travel experience positive and stress-free.



International Cancer Care

International Cancer Care is a medical tourism company specializing in cancer treatment, facilitating seamless healthcare experiences for patients worldwide.