The International Association of Private Career Colleges and International Career Institute on the Role of Private Career Colleges


With an evolving employment landscape, private career colleges are playing an increasingly prevalent role in today’s professional environment. For individuals looking to enhance their skill set and obtain a broader educational experience, a private institution is often a viable alternative to traditional schooling.

A private career college is a post-secondary institution that provides technical and career-specific educational programs; like International Association of Private Career Colleges (IAPCC). With a wide range of courses, private colleges offer extensive flexibility and accelerated completion time frames. The International Career Institute takes the time to outline the various benefits of enrolling in a private career college.

A Significant Return on Your Initial Investment

Current population reports demonstrate that when it comes to the topic of salary in the United States, career college graduates earn a first-year average of $9,230 more than their high school graduate counterparts, making the annual rate of return approximately 31.25%.

Similarly, according to the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, 23 private institutions have reduced tuition fees since 2016, giving them the competitive edge when it comes to the total cost of formal education.

The Positive Role of Private Education

Private institutions do not receive government funding and the majority are owned and operated by individual investors or corporations. Proprietary schools enable many individuals including low-income families to gain practical skills while preparing them for the job market. Recent studies show that private colleges account for roughly 20% of associates degrees and 7% of bachelor’s degrees, meaning private education has grown substantially in the last decade.

Additionally, private institutions boast student centered communities, allowing students from wide range of diverse cultural backgrounds to transition into post secondary education. Closer communities provide individuals with the chance to network, which can lead to various professional opportunities following graduation.

Extensive Flexibility and a Wide Selection of Course Offerings

According to the International Association of Private Career Colleges, private colleges are optimal for individuals entering the workforce for the first time, or experienced professionals looking to obtain the fundamental skills required for a new position.

Career institutes offer extensive flexibility and competitively priced programs, meaning individuals can incorporate their education prospects into their daily schedule. Private colleges also tend to have smaller class sizes, allowing individuals to receive one-on-one time with instructors.

According to the International Career Institute and statistics found by International Association of Private Career Colleges, 53% of private college students earn their degrees on time, compared to the 33% of students attending public institutions. Intimate learning environments alongside continuous academic support, enable individuals to gain valuable insight into future career objectives

Ultimately, enrolling in a private institution comes down to your location, budget, personal goals and long-term career objectives.

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International Career Institute (ICI)

The Institue is a private provider of education offering 70 career courses to students in over 150 countries.