5 International Relations authors from…China

International Relations Lists
3 min readJul 9, 2023


Exploring different perspectives can be intellectually stimulating. The series ‘5 International Relations authors from…’ aims to introduce authors of various nationalities. It provides an opportunity to delve into a range of perspectives on International Relations and enrich our understanding of the subject.

With its growing economic power, geopolitical influence, and active engagement in international affairs, China’s approach to international relations shapes not only its own policies but also has reverberating effects globally. Exploring the works of prestigious Chinese International Relations authors provides valuable insights into China’s historical, cultural, and philosophical foundations that inform its foreign policy decisions and interactions with other nations.

5 Chinese Authors:

1. Yan Xuetong:

Yang Xuetong

Yan Xuetong is a renowned Chinese scholar and expert in International Relations. His work “Ancient Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese Power” offers insights into the relationship between Chinese historical political philosophy and contemporary Chinese foreign policy. Yan’s research has had a significant impact on China’s understanding of its own rise as a global power and its implications for international relations. Check out his debate with the realist John Mearsheimer: John Mearsheimer vs. Yan Xuetong: Can China rise peacefully?

2. Wang Jisi:

Wang Jisi

Founding President of the Institute of International and Strategic Studies at Peking University, Peking University Boya Chair Professor Emeritus, honorary president of the Chinese Association for American Studies.
Wang Jisi is a prominent Chinese scholar focused on American relations, Sino-US relations and international political theory. Read his article “The Plot Against China? How Beijing Sees the New Washington Consensushere.

3. Wu Xinbo:

Wu Xinbo

Professor in the Institute of International Studies. Director at the Center for American Studies, Fudan University, China. Dr. Wu areas of interest are focused on China’s Foreign and Security policy, Sino-US Relations and Asia Pacific Politics and Security. You can read his work “Managing Crisis and Sustaining Peace between China and the United Stateshere.

4. Zhang Weiwei:

Professor of international relations at Fudan University. Senior research fellow at the Chunqiu Institute, Shanghai. His book “The China Wave: Rise of a Civilizational State” offers a perspective on China’s rise as a major power from a civilizational standpoint. Zhang’s work tries to challenge traditional Western-centric views on global affairs and has influenced debates on China’s role in international relations. Check out his participation in the Nexus Conference ‘The Last Revolution’: Is China an alternative to Western democracy?

5. Zheng Bijian:

Zheng Bijian

Founder of China Institute for Innovation and Development Strategy, Zheng Bijian is a prominent Chinese academic and political advisor known for his contributions to Chinese foreign policy. His work “China’s Peaceful Rise: Speeches of Zheng Bijian” outlines China’s approach to international relations and its aspirations for peaceful development. Zheng’s ideas have had a significant impact on China’s foreign policy discourse and its relationship with the global community. You might be interested in checking out his insights on ‘Why didn’t China adopt a multi-party system?’ here.

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