Computer Operating Systems

2 min readMay 12, 2023

Computer Operating Systems

An operating system (OS) is a software program responsible for managing the hardware and software resources of a computer. It also acts as an intermediary between the user and the computer hardware. The user interacts with programs or applications through the operating system.

Examples of Operating Systems

Operating systems far and wide include Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS, Linux, and Android.

Features of an Operating System

Operating systems come with certain features that allow users to control the performance and secure data. Some of the various features include:

  • Multitasking: This allows multiple programs to be executed and managed simultaneously.
  • Memory Management: Memory is managed to allocate sufficient memory to the loaded programs to boost performance.
  • Security: This includes firewalls, encryption services and user authentication to ensure the safety of information.
  • Networking: This allows for the sharing of files and other resources on a network such as the internet.
  • GUI: A graphical user interface (GUI) makes it easier for users to interact with the system.
  • Task Scheduling: This focuses on task management e.g background tasks so as to maintain optimal system performance.

Types of Operating Systems

The main types of operating systems include single-user and multi-user, desktop and mobile, embedded, real-time and multi-processing.

  • Single-user operating systems: These are designed to support one user at a time. Examples include Windows, iOS.
  • Multi-user operating systems: These are designed to support multiple users at a time. Examples include Unix and Linux.
  • Desktop operating systems: These are designed for use on computing devices. Examples include Windows, Mac OS.
  • Mobile operating systems: These are designed for mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. Examples include iOS and Android.
  • Embedded operating systems: These are used in electronic devices such as microwave ovens. Examples include Windows CE and Embedix.
  • Real-time operating systems: These are used for critical applications where reliable response times are important. Examples include VxWorks and QNX.
  • Multi-processing operating systems: These are designed to support computers with multiple processors. Examples include Linux-MP, SSI.


While there are many types of computer operating systems, they all depend on the same basic features to work effectively. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the users must choose the best one that suits their needs.

