What To Do With An Old Computer System

2 min readApr 9, 2023


What To Do With An Old Computer System

At some point, your old computer system is going to get to a point where it won’t provide the level of performance you need — or even worse, might stop working completely. What should you do with your obsolete system? Here are some suggestions:

Donate It

Donating your old computer to a good cause is always the best option. Organizations such as Goodwill, The Salvation Army, or your local library accept donations of computers and related equipment on a regular basis. Donating your old computer will not only help those in need, but it can also be a tax deduction.

Sell It

If you’re looking to make some extra cash, consider selling your old computer system. There are numerous websites and forums dedicated to helping people sell their used computer equipment. By doing some research, you can find out how much your system is worth and who is looking to buy it.

Recycle It

If the idea of reusing or repurposing your old computer system does not appeal to you, consider recycling it. Many electronics recyclers take computers and other electronics in for recycling. This ensures that the hazardous materials are disposed of properly and reduces the amount of e-waste being created.

Repurpose It

Your old computer system may still be good enough to be used for other purposes such as:

  • As a Media Server — If your old computer has enough processing power, consider repurposing it as a media server. You can also use it to store important backups in case something happens to your main system.
  • As a Home Security System — If your computer has cameras attached to it, you could use it as your home security system. Setting up motion sensors and sending alerts to your phone are just a few of the things you can do with an old computer system.
  • As a Gaming Machine — Your old computer may still be good enough for basic PC gaming. Sure, it won’t be able to handle the latest games, but it can still provide hours of entertainment. Fun for the whole family!

These are just a few of the things you can do with your old computer system. With a little bit of creativity, you can get more use out of it — or just send it on its way to a new home.

