CS50 Review — The BEST Course I have Ever Taken (Edx, Harvard University)

Internet Made Coder
4 min readFeb 15, 2022

CS50 by Harvard University, which you can take for free on EDx (don’t bother paying for the certificate) is by far the best Computer Science course I have ever taken, and probably my favorite course period.

In case you haven’t heard of CS50 before, it is more than a course. This website has called it “a cultural touchstone, a lifestyle, a spectacle” & the instructor Professor David J. Malan has essentially a cult following. there is even a full subreddit dedicated to this course. And after taking this course, it is easy to see why.

I left the course excited to learn more, and genuinely sad that it was over. No other course has ever made me feel that way.
So let me explain why.

This is CS50 — The Best Free Course to Learn Computer Science

CS50 describes itself as “an introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming”. It is a beginner college-level course on the fundamentals of…



Internet Made Coder

Documenting my life as a Self-Taught Software Engineer & Youtuber and Solopreneur.