Celebrating our 50th Article: The InterPlanetary Federation’s Greatest Hits!

Exploring the projects the IPF has contributed to.

Interplanetary Federation
7 min readJun 7, 2023
#Midjourney collaboration with Crypto Night#2237

The IPF’s Medium channel recently celebrated its 50th story! In honor of this, we’re going to recap some of the exciting projects the IPF has contributed to over the past few months.

The Artists Pilot Program and Season 1!

With Season 1 having just been completed, this Pilot Program is on a roll! 10 Artists have now been onboarded onto Alien Worlds and WAX thanks to the Kavian Custodians who believe in the power of creativity. Special thank you to the Alumni Neri Custodians for executing the pilot!

The Artist Grant Pilot Program exemplifies the power of collaboration between Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) and artists, effectively deploying DAO Resources for real-world results that benefit not only the artists but also their fans, new prospective players, Alien Worlds Syndicates, and the communities that connect them all together. — Kavian Custodians

Check out these amazing artists and see which exciting NFT works they’ve featured, watch the onboarding process as they learned about Alien Worlds and how they minted their own NFT’s!

TLM Silver backed NFTs and How To Claim Them!

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! As described in our exclusive interview with LD2 creator and Neri candidate Extra von NotHaus, Syndicate-specific NFT’s backed by TLM and physical silver were created to reward land holders on Neri! Now live on NeftyBlocks and claimable till August 31, 2023 Neri land holders can claim up to 6 of these NFTs per land. Those who don’t have land on Neri can search NeftyBlocks Marketplace for them.

The purpose of these efforts is to increase regular engagement with AW players as well as better incentivize players to choose the lands on Neri that have these greater rewards.

This is an exciting bridge between the digital and physical worlds, and the first of many Syndicate-specific NFT’s to come!

A Step-By Step Guide to Auction your NFTs for TLM on NeftyBlocks!

A big stride towards enriching the Alien Worlds ecosystems was made when listing Alien Worlds NFT’s for auction on NeftyBlocks for TLM was arranged, complete with a step-by-step guide. Previously, NFTs were denominated in WAX, and TLM was not an option on Atomic Marketplace.

Got some NFT’s sitting and collecting dust? Don’t want to list them for WAX? Thanks to arrangements made by Custodians on Kavian, you can list your NFT’s on NeftyBlocks auction for TLM! But not just Alien Worlds NFT’s, you can also list NFT’s you’ve minted yourself.

The only thing that could be better than that was listing any NFT to be auctioned for TLM, not just NFT’s used in Alien Worlds. And so it was done! It’s worth noting that this was all accomplished by Kavian Custodians, independently of any Proposal being passed or Resources delegated. Efforts like this showcase the individual and collaborative value Custodians can contribute when trusted to actualize their unique talents and skills.

The First Consortium Community and Consortium Pilot Program

Hello Consortium! Now home for the IPF, Galactic Lore, and the Syndicates, Consortium is a decentralized web-app that enables communities to use their tokens to create polls and vote on them, and was the first recipient of the Galactic Hubs Grants Program.

We’re excited to announce that your planetary tokens also increase your voting power on Consortium! Tokens held in the planetary token of the Consortium community Syndicate you’re trying to vote in will increase your voting power there, even if they are staked to vote on that planet.

To support community engagement with Consortium, the Pilot Program was created to reward the first ten Explorers who created Polls within the available communities. Spoiler alert- when Syndicate communities were created on Consortium, the Pilot Program was expanded to include them. Follow the link below to find out how you can get rewarded with 1000 TLM!

Syndicate Consortium Communities with IPF Branding!

In effort to expand the potential of Consortium and inclusivity for the Consortium Pilot Program, the IPF sponsored the creation of Syndicate communities on Consortium. Members can now create polls within Syndicate communities, vote on chain, and get rewards for engagement!

On chain voting is an important reflection of values commonly shared among people engaging in DAOs and blockchain technology. We’re excited to see how the AW communities interact with this new tool and find community consensus through empowered voting infrastructure.

The IPF Resourced the creation of IPF Syndicate branding! Each Syndicate, as they support the IPF, can now at any time leverage their IPF logo which they will be able to freely use under the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication, as featured in the Consortium Syndicate communities below.

Available for download! Syndicate Communities on Consortium with new IPF Branding.

Galactic Lore Consortium and the Lore Engagement Pilot Program!

Never before has lore been so much fun! Now explorers can choose what happens next in this multi-directional style of lore on the Galactic Lore Consortium, where you earn POLL tokens for voting for the fate of lore! To support this, a pilot program Proposal was passed to find a Lore Lord to take the reins and encourage engagement with Alien Worlds lore.

What will the Lore Lord do? Once selected, duties will include:

— Once per week produce, publish and manage 1 Alien Worlds lore story.
— Use Consortium for publishing, managing pilot program specified community engagement and rewards.
— Responsible for engaging community Members to vote and distributing 5,000 of TLM as rewards.
— A report will be required from the Lore Lord at the end of the pilot program describing the captured metrics of engagement. Lore Lord will be given guidance on creating lore if needed.

The application period for Lore Lord is open until June 30th, 2023. Instructions on how to apply are outlined in the link below. Once chosen, the Galactic Lore Lord will be rewarded with 10,000 TLM to create, manage, and entice players to participate with this exciting new Consortium Community, earn POLL tokens, and receive rewards!

The Delay Payout Tool and the TLM split tool are a success!

Custodians! Want to earmark Resources for a project, or trickle TLM back into your Syndicate? The Delayed Payout Tool adds another function to the smart contract abilities Custodians can deploy when executing Proposals. This tool is tested and deployed from the legendary Antelope-focused dev team at Boid.com. Check out our step-by-step guide on how to use it!

How does it work?
Create a distribution over a period of time by depositing some Resources (TLM or other community-based token) with days= and receiver= in the memo like this, for example: days=5 receiver=kavian.dac
Anyone can claim the pending distribution to a recipient account! Call the payout action with payout_id and this will process the payout.

The TLM split function is an innovative tool that simplifies the token distribution process by allowing Custodians to split a pool of TLM and distribute it across a list of addresses. It is now commonly used to distribute the weekly Custodian allowance with the WAX memo tlmsplitting, and listing all the receiving addresses as outlined in our step-by-step guide.

In Conclusion

Since its inception, the IPF has consistently developed new tools and pilot programs to enrich the Alien Worlds communities and DAO ecosystems. We’re excited for what the future holds with the contributions of the IPF Founding Members, and look forward to sharing our progress with you!

Want to know how you can get involved with the IPF?
Follow our Medium, subscribe to the IPFDAOnews channel on Telegram and follow our Twitter @federationdao for the release of exciting news!

#Midjourney collaboration with Crypto Night#2237

