Bitcoin is a black hole

Bitcoin is a black hole. A singularity. The perfection of money. A store of value so strong that nothing — no fiat money, real estate, commodity or security — can escape its pull.

3 min readJun 29, 2022

Bitcoin is comparable to a black hole in outer space absorbing nearby matter. Instead of matter, Bitcoin is absorbing all the monetary value that other assets previously held. Any value that remains in other assets would eventually be reduced to the pure utility value of those assets.

Once another asset’s monetary value is absorbed into Bitcoin, it never escapes. This is why we have been in a perpetual bull market since Bitcoin’s inception. The 200 Week Moving Average has never gone down. This is known colloquially as “Number Go Up” technology, or “NgU”.

Source: LookIntoBitcoin

Like a black hole, the more value Bitcoin stores, the easier it is for additional adopters to transfer their value into the black hole. When Bitcoin held a small amount of value, passing the event horizon, or becoming “orange pilled,” was extremely mind-bending. Early adopters experienced radical mind Spaghettification or even went insane. Only the most critical, first-principle thinkers could adopt the bitcoin standard at first.

Astronaut falling into a black hole (schematic illustration of the spaghettification effect)

At the center of a black hole, density is infinite, and spacetime curvature becomes infinite. This corresponds with an equation to describe the value of one Bitcoin when it becomes the dominant money and unit of account — ∞/21M. In the end, each Bitcoin would be “worth” infinity, or everything in the universe, divided by 21M. Or looked at another way, “Everything Trends To Zero In Terms Of Bitcoin”.

Black holes evaporate over time in a process known as “Hawking radiation”. The less massive the black hole, the faster it evaporates in the absence of additional matter entering the system. In different circumstances, the more massive the black hole, the faster it grows. Thus, the more value Bitcoin absorbs, the better it is at holding value over time and space. Bitcoin’s growth rate is likely to remain elevated as more people store a majority of their net worth in Bitcoin. While increasing at a slower rate over time when viewed on a log-linear plot, the linear price trend on a log-log plot suggests a power-law rate of growth.

Once something crosses the event horizon, a boundary in spacetime through which matter and light can pass only inwards, nothing escapes. Monetary value, once absorbed into Bitcoin, does return back to the asset it demonetized. Similarly, a Bitcoin Maxi once truly orange-pilled does not go back.

A black hole’s strength is directly proportional to its size. A black hole can only consume objects that come close to its event horizon, which increases as the black hole increases. People must come within Bitcoin’s gravitational neighborhood for the possibility to be pulled into Bitcoin. This adjusts the boundary of the event horizon outward, increasing the total volume in which passing objects will inescapably become trapped.

Bitcoin, like the supermassive hole at the center of our galaxy, is becoming the monetary black hole at the center of our society.

