Bitcoin is more woke than progressives

Bitcoin’s properties make it more “woke” than progressives espouse to be.

2 min readMay 17, 2022
The Awakening: “Votes for Women” in 1915 Puck magazine

Bitcoin, the idea of unstoppable sound money, has already won. Proof-of-Work accelerates human progress, incentivising humanity to exponentially increase energy usage to galactic levels at zero marginal cost.

woke // “Describes a state of being in which you generally question common paradigms. The word denotes that a person has a desire to research their positions on most issues before espousing ideas that are accepted.” by Zaheer June 14, 2017

progressivism // “a social or political movement that aims to represent the interests of ordinary people through political change and the support of government actions”. by Cambridge Dictionary

Bitcoin exudes the cultural, economic, and technological agenda that progressives push. Yet, progressives still find ways to protect and justify the existing monetary system that punishes dissents, sees billions of people experience inflation (a highly regressive tax), and excludes billions of people from the monetary system, and causes the highest wealth inequality on record.

Progressives talk about being woke. Bitcoin delivers in practice. Bitcoin is more woke than progressives. They just haven’t realised it yet. Bitcoin ticks every box a progressive cares about. Unless, of course, progressives care more about control than true empowerment.

Progressives let a few loud voices in the Bitcoin “community” define the narrative. There will always be loud voices from people who hold different opinions than you. The whole point of Bitcoin means you become sovereign. This enables civil discourse without the fear of being “cancelled” by centralised powers who can take away your property and your rights. Bitcoin enables people to speak freely.

It is obvious to anyone who has spent time and energy studying Bitcoin’s brilliant design that Bitcoin is in many ways a progressive technology similar to the internet. Just like the internet, Bitcoin is global, accessible, can provide anonymity, and ultimately shifts the balance of power back to the individual.

Bitcoin is woke. Shitcoins are all smoke. The status quo is broke.

*Only the source of electricity omits CO2. Bitcoin mining hypothetically could be 100% C02 free. Bitcoin mining is the most sustainable heavy industry in the world at 58.5% in Q4 2021

