Make them sweat, Make them smile

Coaches Corner
1 min readAug 8, 2018

It’s so easy as a passionate & pro-active coach to get bogged down in detail and newly discovered information when planning, delivering or analysing your sessions.

Maybe a new article (on a blog such as this!!) that’s stirred your creative juices and on paper the session your planning looks straight out of the Pep Guardiola play book! Or maybe some new equipment you can’t wait to use with the players. Or perhaps a detailed & lengthy conversation with a colleague on if little Jonny got what he needed from your session.

As adults, we’re often guilty of making it too complicated. Planning & reflecting is crucial to all coaches but don’t let the detail cloud what’s ALWAYS going to be vital to the success of any session and value to the player. So strip it all back for just a second…

Did your session make them sweat?
Did you session make them smile?

Yes? Then pat on the back and a job well-done.
No? If not, what needs to change to achieve this next time round?

It’s a hard & fast rule. A black & white guideline. Easy to follow for all coaches. I love it… and more importantly so will your players!

