We Take on Andy Frisella’s 75 Hard

From August 3 to October 17 2020, we embark on 75 days of no alcohol or cheat meals, two workouts a day, 10 pages of reading and more.

Lee-Michael J. Pronko
4 min readAug 2, 2020
75 Hard Challenge

This may not be for you but it’s the starting point for us to take ownership and maximize our potential.

Why 75 Hard Now?

Throughout life we’ve considered ourselves ambitious with high hopes and big dreams. Yet, over time we started to lack personal accountability and built a habit of making excuses for ourselves. It was easy to fall into self pity, disappointment and under achieve time and time again on what we set out to accomplish. Frustrated with our lack of self ownership we took a serious look at our lives. We were NOT happy with what we saw and needed to take action. 75 Hard seemed timely and the exact challenge both of us needed in our life.

Lee-Michael and Dimitri Pronko

Who we are…in brief.

Lee-Michael Pronko

I am new father of a 1 year old and truthfully, I have struggled over the last year with lack of sleep, economic uncertainty around my career, and an overall lack of ownership over my life. Stress and anxiety would come and go. Though I have a toolbox of tools to support my mental health and physical wellness e.g. therapy, eating well, reading, active lifestyle, martial arts etc…) the self perception I have and inner voice is one of hatred and lack of self-love. Part of this false belief is that I believe something is missing inside me and I perceive myself to be unsuccessful. I know this is something that I cannot find the answer to outside of myself but instead, it will be forged through the challenges that I need to face head on to with myself to build resilience, cultivate self-love and be at peace with myself. This is part of the self transformation process that I have chosen to undertake and 75 hard is the starting point.

Dimitri Pronko

I am a recent graduate and university football player that has spent over 16 years playing football. I have struggled with weight issues and a lack of confidence for a majority of my life. I’ve already attempted the 75 Hard challenge and failed on day 56 as a result of excuses, a lack of personal accountability and falling back on poor lifestyle habits. Plain and simple, I quit and accepted defeat. Now this time around, I’m determined to complete it with my brother Lee alongside me and accountability from the community. There’s no quitting this time around, failure is simply not an option. For me, there is no better time than the present to tackle this challenge head on. I’ve hidden behind excuses long enough and am simply fed up with my own lack of accountability in my life. Enough talking about it, time to get after it!

What is 75 Hard?

You must do the following daily:

  • Follow a diet and stick to it.
  • No cheat meals and no alcohol.
  • Drink a gallon of water.
  • Two 45-minute workouts and one of them has to be outside.
  • You must read 10 pages of nonfiction.
  • Take a progress photo of yourself.

This is a framework that has worked for him and others. It is up to you to use your judgment as to your approach and how you meet the daily objectives, as long as your cross that list off by the end of the night.

What do we hope to achieve?

Lee-Michael’s weight

Lee — My intention is to remain around the current 155lbs mark, but transform my body type to what I know it’s capable of being. This also involves changing my perception of myself and building self confidence which, is part of the body transformation process.

Dimitri’s weight

Dimitri — My intention is to lower my overall body fat% and maintain my average body weight between 210–220lbs. I also want to increase self confidence, overall mental well being and energy levels.

How can you get involved?

Follow and support our daily accountability posts on workouts, what we’re eating and reading @thepronkopact

You can also…

Physical or mental challenges, developing a new skill or conquering a fear, as long as it’s focused on growth we’ll do it. Need accountability for a challenge your undertaking? We’ll join you. Submit your challenge and visit : Thepact.ca

The Pronko Brothers

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