Are You Called To Be Good? Or Are You Called To Be Holy?

What is The Best Kept Secret on Planet Earth?

The Hermitage


Orthodox Icon of Christ the True Vine. Christ Surrounded by the Apostles.

“Good” is a subjective term. We all can come up with examples of how what one person sees as good, another does not, and vice versa.

Holiness, on the other hand, is an objective Truth. (Yes, please allow me to break the current norm and say that there is an Objective Truth.)

Almost no one, nowhere, nohow, tells us that we are on this planet to become holy, to become sanctified. Why is that?

We could call it The Best Kept Secret.

But, you might say, or at least be thinking: “I am far from holiness! I can’t even picture it — you mean like the Mother Theresa type? Yeah that’s great for her, but that isn’t me. And even if I wanted to be holy, there’s not a bridge long enough to gap where I am now to something called holiness.

Yes. Right. True. But only to a point.

We on our own can’t even conceive of holiness; humanity never could since the Fall and until Christ came. When we read the Four Gospels of the New Testament — Saints Matthew, Mark, Luke and John — we come face to face with holiness.

And we see that Christ, God Incarnate, both lives holiness and teaches holiness.



The Hermitage

I am an Orthodox Christian monastic living a quiet life of prayer, work and serving God. I write simply out of love, wanting to bring hope to others.