In the paper today
8 min readNov 12, 2022


There’s a lucky woman who’s a regular subject on Ji Chang-wook’s Instagram account. She’s also someone whom he mentions a lot in his interviews. Ji never misses bringing her flowers on special occasions. If there’s anyone that Ji loves the most, it’s her. She was mentioned again during Ji’s “Reach You” fan meeting held in Manila last November 6, at the Mall of Asia Arena.

“I am very happy right now. Because when I am at home my mother doesn’t love me like this, but you are loving me so much, you are having so much fun, it’s also making me happy.”

This was how Ji Chang-wook described his feelings about the warmth he received from his Filipino fans after the first half of the fan meeting.

More photos and videos of the fan meeting on Kimchi Today’s Facebook Page

Wookie as fondly called by his fans was kidding when he said that his mother doesn’t love him that much. If there’s anyone who loves him the most, unconditionally, it’s her. The thought of describing the word love and the first thing he remembered is his mother says a lot about his character. He must have been overwhelmed by the crowd’s reaction to him to make a comparison.


Opening the fan meeting with a song, Ji appeared on the stage wearing white long sleeves, black pants, and leather shoes while singing “Do you believe in magic?” the soundtrack from his last drama, “The Sound of Magic.” An earpiece is essential when performing live because sometimes the noise from the crowd makes it difficult to sing properly, but halfway through the song, Ji decided to remove the earpiece in his right ear. What could be more beautiful than the screaming sound of his fans who waited for years to see him? For the instrumental parts of the song, he would stand still while looking around the corners of the arena, and flash his enthralling smile and gaze, like he is the happiest man on earth.

“Kumusta, ako po si Ji Chang Wook.”

Again, with a huge smile, a wave, and this time, bending his body to bow to the adoring crowd who’s clapping, screaming, and shouting “You’re so handsome!”

Not wanting to be outdone by the warmth he got, Ji gave his fans a night that they will remember forever.

“I will do my best for this fan meeting.”

And he is a man of his word.

A fan who travelled one hundred twenty-eight kilometers from Tarlac to the Mall of Asia arena and participated in the “Magic Trick” segment received more than just his warmth. She said she was exhausted from the long-distance travel but seeing Ji Chang-wook in person made all of it disappear. Ji hasn’t even started doing his magic tricks, but his mere presence made her fatigue vanish.

“Since you are my assistant, I would like to give you a present.”

After making a necklace magically appear, Ji wore it around the fan’s neck and to her surprise, Ji wrapped her inside the magician’s cape that he was wearing. Seeing the crowd going crazy, Ji became more playful and wrapped her again for the second time. After the segment, Ji extended his hands to shake her hands, and a warm hug made her jump from happiness. “I’m gonna support you forever!”

Expressing his gratitude, he said “Saranghamnida, Salamat po.” (Thank you in Korean and Tagalog)

Another fan got to experience what it’s like to share an umbrella with Ji Chang-wook. But before the reenactment, from where we were seated, Ji can be seen backstage. Ji who already looks like the dashing main character from a K-drama wanted to make sure that he looks his best for his fans. After getting a quick touch-up, Ji came running back to the stage. Like a man who doesn’t want to be late for a date with his someone special. How extra can this man get?

All the fans who went up the stage got a hug from Ji, except for one. When her name was called, unlike the other fans, it took time for her to go up the stage. Ji also made an effort to fetch the fans as they climb up the stairs to the stage, but this fan was too nervous that the production team had to make sure she calmed down before granting her wish for a selfie with Ji. When he saw what was happening, Ji left the microphone he was holding on the table. He walked nearer to the area where he could monitor the situation. When the fan finally made it up to the stage, she told Ji while crying, that she is his number one fan, and she loves him so much. Ji did not bother to get his microphone back, and all through the duration of his interaction with this fan, Ji would send her hand signals to express his gratitude and for her to calm down. While they were taking the selfie, Ji kept looking her way, making sure she was okay. After the picture was taken, he shook her hands and bent his body to give her a bow of gratitude. There was no hug like the others, but Ji gave her something better. As she was going down the stage, Ji kept his eyes on her, with his left hand gently tapping her shoulders, doing his best to make sure she was alright. Ji Chang-wook’s sensitivity is more handsome than his looks. It was a touching moment, literally and figuratively. His fans are definitely on the right path stanning this man.


Twice a day, ninety-seven times in a row, for six months. This is not a doctor’s prescription, but the number of times that Ji Chang-wook performed in the musical “The Days” ten years ago. This and more Ji Chang-wook stories were shared during the segment where the actor had a look back on the last fourteen years of his acting career.

For someone who dreamed of becoming an architect, he built an impressive portfolio from musicals to different genres of films and dramas. He also built friendships. He said that he is still friends with the people he worked with in his past projects. When he is not working, he spends time with his friends for coffee or a drink. His drinking habits? He gets drunk after a bottle and a half. “I get hyped up when I’m drunk, and all of sudden, I would feel sleepy.”


The wish-granting was not limited to the fans who got up the stage. Ji Chang-wook’s generosity to his fans was evident in the fan meeting. When he was asked to pose for photo time, Sam Oh, who was hosting the event had to stop him from throwing kisses to the audience. Instead of just answering the question regarding the condition of his abs remained like the way it was in the hit action series “K2,” he gestured by pointing and counting each of the six-pack abs in his body. “I think I still have it a bit,” making the crowd go wild. It was too loud that it made him complain. “When I made my entrance, your shouting was not this loud, but after seeing my shirtless photo, you guys are shouting louder.”

For his upcoming project, “The Worst Evil,” Ji will play a detective who goes undercover as a drug dealer to catch the actual dealers. To prepare for the role, he spends a lot of time in the gym exercising, though he stresses it’s not for him to look good, but for his health and stamina. When asked for a demonstration, without hesitation, Ji stood up and told the audience, “I do not exercise at home but for you guys, I will give you some demo here.” He then proceeded to do push-ups on the floor.

Ji also granted his fans’ request for a morning alarm. “Gising ka na. Gising ka na. Irona. Good morning.” Ji’s romantic wake-up call in a combination of Tagalog, Korean, and English would guarantee that his fans would start their day with a smile for the days to come.


“I didn’t expect you to like me this much.”

Throughout the fan meeting, he seemed surprised by the crowd’s reaction towards him.

Ji Chang-wook serenading his fans during the Reach You fan meeting in Manila. (06Nov2022)

Ticket prices for the fan meeting ranged from Php12,500 to Php1,500, exclusive of ticketing charges and taxes. The world is currently experiencing the effects of surging rates of inflation and increasing prices of basic commodities. Spending this amount for a one-night event might not sound practical to others. But some things can be measured like the number of fans who attended the event which is at 7,000, and some things that cannot be quantified. Ji Chang-wook kept his promise at the beginning of the fan meeting, that he will do his best for his fans. In return for their love and support, Ji gave his best and made another promise.

“The fact that you guys are loving me becomes a huge power for me. Thank you. I love you and I will try my best to do better. Expect a lot from me.”

Three days later, the fans who love him so much made an appearance on his Instagram account. He posted photos of the fan meeting expressing gratitude to his Filipino fans.

Photo from Ji Chang-wook’s Instagram account

It was Ji Chang-wook’s first time in the Philippines. Like Halo-Halo, the Filipino food that he liked the most, the fan meeting was an unforgettable source of comfort and happiness for both him and his fans.

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In the paper today

A believer in happy-ever-after with some stories to tell. (Published articles on Inquirer Super's Website)