Addendum to EcommerceBytes article on Amazon Bitcoin Integration


Brian Cohen
2 min readMay 29, 2014

Addendum to EcommerceBytes article on Amazon Bitcoin Integration

By Brian Cohen


We just broke the Amazon Bitcoin Patent story over at EcommerceBytes.

Here are a few more of my thoughts on the patent:

The patent reminds me of a new concept called a Distributed Autonomous Corporation or DAC. “DACs {like Bitcoin} run without any human involvement under the control of an incorruptible set of business rules.” (See Bitcoin and the Three Laws of Robotics over at Let’s Talk Bitcoin!)

It is also reminiscent of a patent application by Meetup, “System and Method for Conditional Group Membership” (Patent Application 20130211980) which would allow Meetup group to exist without a Leader (who is normally required to pay membership dues.)

“…a leaderless chapter, {in which} the system operates completely automatically, including fully automatic selection of the date and the time for the gathering, and the candidate venues for the users. That is, a gathering is automatically scheduled by the system.”

According to Amazon

“The resource may or may not be associated with a particular customer or owner, but any user may be able to provide (i.e., donate) funds to keep the resource active” and further, “…a user might want to pay for resources to support a publicly accessible Web site or social networking service, but does not want to be the “owner” responsible for those resources or the site. The user could submit a request for the appropriate resources and/or resource capacity, and can let others utilize those resources. These resources can be considered to be “orphaned” as they do not have an associated owner.”



Brian Cohen

Writer on all things Bitcoin, eBay, Amazon /// EcommerceBytes /// Let's Talk Bitcoin! /// Bitcoin Magazine