The missing piece for the Ethereum’s endgame

Published in
4 min readDec 18, 2022

~The launch of Intmax testnet V1~

Hi, there! We are thrilled to announce that Intmax testnet v1 is now live here.

Toward a global standard for cryptographic property rights

Intmax is a Rollup project that will evolve Ethereum into something that can be used by online citizens worldwide as infrastructure principally for payments, but also for other forms of internet-native ownership through NFTs and community-governed tokens.

Its design is based on algorithms aimed at achieving scalability for billion users, which is currently extremely challenging with traditional zkRollups that try to generalize for all possible use cases.

The core value of Intmax is to make access to cryptographic property rights a global phenomenon, focusing on markets where high cost and high complexity rollups are a nonstarter. Today, we are extremely excited to launch our testnet as the first step toward this world and to work with the Ethereum community to experiment and iterate.

Your technology isn’t achievable, especially with such a small team of engineers.

This is what we have been told by various technologists and capitalists over the past six months. However, by leveraging circuit-constrained online communication to zkRollups and our new client-side ZKP, we believe we are achieving meaningful improvements to scalability and enabling a range of new functionality.

  1. The fee remains 1/1000 of that of Layer1 in the worst case; this is almost ignorable in any kind of region/society in this world.
  2. Customized privacy for NFTs.
  3. Decentralization of sequencers from the early days of the mainnet.

“Can Intmax make zkRollups next level even though today’s zkRollup architecture is already complicated?” It may be inevitable that many such questions have arisen and brought a lot of skepticism. This testnet proves that Intmax architecture is achievable.

I’d like to say thank you to those who understood what we were doing with Layer2 in such a circumstance. And special thanks to our advisers, Justin Drake and Scott Moore.

This testnet V1 is a command line type and is mainly for developers, and the general UI, i.e., on a browser, is what you will see in the first half of the next Q1. If you want to play on the command line, try typing some commands here!

What will Intmax, the movement, accomplish in the future?

Intmax is a project to enable billions of daily users of Ethereum for payment, NFT, and global investment. We promise to help Ethereum achieve in a short time what it is expected to achieve within 20 years from the beginning. It is a powerful protocol dedicated to cryptographically protecting all property rights of any type of online citizen and keeping fees very low.

What exactly will be accomplished for mass adoption to BILLION?

Intmax is a project to enable billions of daily users of Ethereum around the world, especially in developing economies where this kind of infrastructure still isn’t widely adopted. Here is how we achieve that.

2023 Q1:

・Testnet launch for general use from browser UI (not limited to devs!)
・Biometric interface launch

2023 Q2:

・Mainnet Launch

After the mainnet launch, NFTs with privacy will be standard in the wallet. This privacy and scalability from the beginning will enable the business of NFTs used in the real world. Any kind of authentication/account will be purchasable on the Ethereum blockchain without transaction costs and privacy exposures. It’s not limited to web app authentications but also for real estate, cars, entertainment, etc. Web3-type logins will be everywhere.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that sequencing will be decentralized from Day 1 on the mainnet. Many people will be able to participate in block mining and get rewarded after the mainnet launch. This will greatly enable the censorship resistance that has been a problem in the Layer2/3 world and will contribute to creating a globally fair economy.

In the next mainnet release, Phase 2, it is planned that many dapps on Layer 2 and Layer 1 will be available from Intmax via account abstraction.

Join the Bug Bounty!

I’d like to grant you the dev role on Discord! Please find a bug that would become a security issue.

Last but not least, I would like to thank all our supporters who have been supporting us since the time when people were not paying attention to us yet. Stay tuned for our further announcement coming out soon, and we look forward to your continued support!

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INTMAX has developed innovations in ZK implementation making it a unique Layer2 rollup network that offers low cost, security, privacy, and scalability.