The Future of Commercial Touch Screen Displays & Their Impact on Digital Transformation

Intouch screens
2 min readFeb 1, 2024


In a world increasingly defined by digitalisation and technological advancement, commercial touch screen displays have emerged as a crucial component of the business landscape. These versatile tools are more than just interactive screens; they are pivotal in driving digital transformation across various industries. In this article, we will explore the future of commercial touch screen displays and their profound impact on digital transformation.

Commercial Touch Screen Displays: The Driving Force of Digital Transformation

The term “commercial touch screen” encompasses a wide range of interactive displays used in various business settings. From retail to healthcare, education to hospitality, touch screen monitors and solutions are reshaping the way organizations engage with their customers, clients, and employees. Let’s delve into the role they play in driving digital transformation.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Commercial touch screen monitors are revolutionising the way businesses interact with their customers. Whether it’s a retail kiosk in a shopping mall, a touch screen menu in a restaurant, or an interactive product catalogue in a car dealership, these displays make the customer experience more engaging, informative, and efficient. Customers can access information, make selections, and complete transactions with ease, fostering loyalty and satisfaction.

Streamlined Business Operations

In a rapidly changing business landscape, efficiency is paramount. Commercial touch screen solutions are optimising internal processes, reducing human error, and saving time. For example, logistics companies use touch screen displays for package tracking, while manufacturers employ them for quality control and process monitoring.

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Intouch screens

InTouch are Brookvale’s No 1 choice for all types of commercial touchscreen hardware and locally built kiosk solutions. Visit us: