My When I Get Rich List

Introverted Millionaire XO
2 min readJun 8, 2024


Million Dollar List

Ever had that note in your phone for your bucket list? Well, imagine that, but with a twist — it’s your ‘When I get rich’ list!

I stumbled upon this idea about 14 years ago when my pockets were emptier than a Monday morning office coffee pot. Those lists became my lifeline during those rough patches when cash was tight.

My partner-in-crime and I, with our little munchkins in tow, used to cruise around, pointing out our dream homes along the beachfront. That’s where the magic began for my ‘When I get rich’ list, scribbled on countless notes and dog-eared pages of old notebooks.

A goal properly set is halfway reached,” as Zig Ziglar aptly put it. And boy, did I set those goals.

I like to split mine into two categories: the practical and the downright dreamy. But hey, you categorize yours however they make you grin from ear to ear.

I firmly believe everyone should have a list like this. Because let’s face it, being an entrepreneur isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. Some days, it feels more like navigating a maze blindfolded. But having that ‘When I get rich’ list? It’s like having a compass in a storm — a constant reminder of what you’re hustling for, especially on those tough days.

So here’s to your million-dollar dreams! As for me, well, my most recent ‘When I get rich’ list? Let’s just say it’s a page-turner. Cheers! 🥂

To your success,

Introverted Millionaire XO

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Introverted Millionaire XO

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