How to Get Free Traffic to Your Website in 2024

Introverted Millionaire XO
7 min readMay 15, 2024


Pinterest analytics discovers growth opportunities for e-commerce brands


Pinterest is a dynamic social media platform that combines visual discovery with social commerce. Key takeaway: In this article, we will discuss why Pinterest is a must-have channel for driving free traffic to your ecom brand in 2024 and explore effective strategies to leverage its full potential.

Having a presence on Pinterest is essential for ecom brands aiming to tap into a unique audience and boost web traffic. Free traffic strategies on Pinterest include:

  • Optimizing your profile
  • Creating compelling content
  • Leveraging SEO techniques
  • Engaging with the community

Understanding the Power of Pinterest for Ecom Brands in 2024

Pinterest continues to be a powerhouse with 450 million monthly active users and a user growth rate that shows no signs of slowing down. For ecom brands, this means a vast audience ready for engagement.

Woman looking through Pinterest engaging with ecommerce brand.

Demographic Insights

  • Age Distribution: A significant portion of Pinterest users falls within the 25–54 age range, aligning perfectly with the primary shopping demographic for many ecom brands.
  • Gender Distribution: Around 60% of Pinterest’s user base is female, making it an ideal platform for brands targeting women.

Driving Web Traffic

Pinterest’s unique visual discovery nature sets it apart from other social media platforms. Users come to Pinterest with the intent to discover ideas and products, often leading to:

  • Higher engagement rates
  • Increased web traffic to ecom websites or online stores

Shoppable Items

The concept of shoppable items has revolutionized social commerce on Pinterest. These pins allow users to purchase directly from the platform, enhancing the shopping experience and driving conversions. By integrating shoppable pins into your strategy, you can turn casual browsers into loyal customers seamlessly.

Shoppable Pinterest pins for women's clothing search

Combining these elements makes Pinterest an indispensable tool for driving free traffic and boosting sales for ecom brands in 2024.

Case Study: Leveraging Pinterest Traffic for Ecom Success

Overview of the Case Study

A recent case study comparing Pinterest traffic and Google traffic for ecom brands offers valuable insights into how each platform performs in terms of driving conversions and revenue. The study examined several ecom brands over a six-month period, tracking key performance metrics such as:

  • Traffic Volume: Number of visitors coming from Pinterest vs. Google.
  • Conversion Rate: Percentage of visitors who made a purchase.
  • Average Order Value (AOV): Average revenue generated per transaction.
  • Customer Engagement: Time spent on site and pages visited.

The findings were insightful, revealing various unique advantages that Pinterest provides as a free traffic source.

Key Findings

1. Higher Conversion Rates on Pinterest

One of the standout statistics was the significantly higher conversion rates from Pinterest traffic compared to Google traffic. On average, Pinterest-driven visitors converted at a rate of 2.3%, whereas Google traffic saw a conversion rate of 1.7%.

“Pinterest users are often in a discovery mindset, which may lead to higher purchase intent when they find products that align with their interests.” — Ecom Brand Manager

2. Increased Average Order Value (AOV)

Visitors originating from Pinterest also had a higher AOV, averaging $78 per order compared to $65 from Google traffic. This suggests that Pinterest users not only convert more frequently but also spend more per transaction.

3. Enhanced Customer Engagement

The time spent on site and pages visited were notably higher for Pinterest users. On average, Pinterest visitors spent 35% more time exploring product pages and content than those arriving via Google search results. This indicates stronger engagement and interest levels driven by visually appealing pins and boards.

4. Cost-Effectiveness

From an ROI perspective, leveraging Pinterest as a free traffic source was exceptionally cost-effective. While both platforms require ongoing optimization efforts, the organic reach potential on Pinterest reduced the need for substantial paid advertising budgets.

These findings underscore why incorporating Pinterest into your ecom strategy can be a game-changer for driving free, high-quality traffic to your online store. The visual discovery nature of Pinterest aligns perfectly with consumer behaviors that favor exploration and purchasing decisions based on visual appeal.

Strategies to Drive Free Traffic from Pinterest in 2024

1. Optimizing Your Pinterest Profile for Discoverability and Click-throughs

Start by ensuring your profile is complete and compelling. Use a clear, high-quality logo and write a concise, keyword-rich bio that highlights your brand’s unique selling points. For luxury brands targeting Gen Z users, emphasize exclusivity and trending items.

2. Creating Compelling and Shareable Content for Pinterest

Craft visually stunning pins that resonate with your audience. High-quality images, infographics, and videos work best. Incorporate elements of storytelling in your pin descriptions to engage users deeply. Utilize content marketing strategies to create a cohesive brand experience.

3. Leveraging SEO Techniques for Pinterest Boards and Pins

Pinterest is essentially a visual search engine. Optimize your boards and pins with relevant keywords that align with what your target audience might be searching for. Focus on long-tail keywords to capture niche markets. This strategic use of SEO boosts visibility and drives organic traffic.

4. Engaging with the Pinterest Community to Build Your Follower Base

Interact with other pinners by joining group boards, commenting on pins, and sharing user-generated content. This builds relationships within the community and increases your brand’s reach. Authentic engagement fosters trust and encourages followers to explore your offerings further.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Ecommerce on Pinterest

Pinterest is expected to continue growing as a platform for social selling, making it essential for ecommerce brands to establish a presence on the platform in 2024. Trend predictions indicate that buyable items on Pinterest will become even more common, providing ecommerce brands with a valuable opportunity to reach and convert their target audience.

Key Trend Predictions for Pinterest in 2024

  • Increased Integration of Buyable Pins: With more users engaging in social commerce, buyable pins will become a seamless part of the shopping experience.
  • Enhanced Visual Search Capabilities: Advanced visual search tools will make it easier for users to discover products naturally, driving traffic to ecommerce stores.
  • Personalized Shopping Experiences: Expect more personalized recommendations based on user behavior, increasing engagement and conversion rates.
  • Collaborative Boards and Group Shopping: Engaging features where users can shop together or curate lists as a community.

Ecommerce brands can stay ahead by adopting these trends early and integrating them into their social selling strategy.

Avoiding Over-reliance on Google: Diversifying Your Traffic Sources with Pinterest

Embracing Pinterest can significantly reduce your ecom brand’s dependency on Google, which often faces unpredictable updates and algorithm changes. This unpredictability can drastically affect your site’s visibility and traffic.

Consider Pinterest’s staggering monthly visits — reaching billions. This platform opens doors to a vast audience that might not be accessible through unbranded searches on Google. By leveraging Pinterest, your brand can benefit from:

  • Organic Growth: Monthly visits and unbranded searches on Pinterest serve as strong indicators of organic growth and brand discovery.
  • Consistent Traffic: Unlike Google, where algorithms may shift overnight, Pinterest provides a more stable source of traffic.

A store owner noted, “Our Google traffic was wiped out after an update. Shifting focus to Pinterest helped us regain and even surpass our previous traffic levels.”

By diversifying your traffic sources with Pinterest, you ensure a more resilient and expansive reach for your ecom brand.

Fast Pinning Solution:

We’ve tested a few Pinterest tools to help grow and scale our Pinterest channels. Our favorite one for quality, ease, and overall price is called Pin Generator.

  1. Utilize the Pin Generator AI: Create engaging and visually appealing pins that capture attention and encourage interaction. This tool can streamline the design process, ensuring your content stands out.
  2. Take advantage of the Pinning Tool: Schedule and automate your pinning strategy. Consistency is key on Pinterest, and automating your pins helps maintain a regular presence without consuming too much time or effort.
  3. Incorporate these tools into your strategy: By integrating the Pin Generator AI and the Pinning Tool into your daily routine, you can significantly increase visibility, drive traffic to your site, and ultimately boost sales.

Pin Generator can become your go-to free traffic strategy and relieve the stress that many ecommerce businesses face due to unpredictable Google updates. These updates have the power to shut down your business overnight, especially if you rely solely on Google traffic. With Pin Generator, you can:

  1. Diversify your traffic sources: Instead of depending solely on Google, you can tap into the massive potential of Pinterest as a source of targeted traffic.
  2. Generate consistent organic traffic: Pin Generator utilizes proven Pinterest SEO strategies to help your content rank higher in search results and attract organic traffic over time.
  3. Save time and effort: Creating and scheduling pins manually can be time-consuming. Pin Generator automates this process, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.

Try Pin Generator for free here and experience the benefits for yourself.


Top industry sources suggest that Pinterest will revolutionize the e-commerce industry for brands in 2024. Its emphasis on visuals and growing user base make it the perfect platform for generating website visits and boosting revenue.

Don’t depend only on Google traffic or paid ads for your ecommerce store. If you do, you’ll always be at the mercy of changing ad costs and unforeseen Google updates, which can greatly affect how much people see your brand and how much money you make.

Instead, take control by using Pinterest as an effective marketing tool for your business.

To see a case study and examples for the power of Pin Generator, read this article.



Introverted Millionaire XO

So not boring. Make money online. Funny stories and practical advice.