Human-proofing Web3: Intu Brings Uncompromised Ownership to crypto accounts.

Intu Official
4 min readJan 18, 2023


Human First Web3 with Intu

Intu is on a mission to human-proof web3 through a focus on bringing uncompromised ownership of digital assets to every single person in the world. If you have an internet connection then we believe Intu will become a core part of your digital future.

The state of web3

Intu believes in the core tenets of web3. Legacy systems favor those at the top and with centralized control there is little hope in this ever changing. However, web3 gives hope that a new system could arise to put users back in charge of their assets through a decentralized environment that evens the playing field.

So, the question arises, ‘How do we get there?’

People advocating that we simply need to bring on the ‘next billion users’ seem to forget that we have not yet reached the first billion. The majority of current web3 users are either investors or tech enthusiasts.

Web3 is not ready for mass-adoption — but that’s ok. It is not supposed to be.

The ecosystem has yet to be truly tested on the broader population. Further, if we were to attract a billion users tomorrow, it would likely lead to some of the worst retention metrics the internet has ever seen.

This is not to say that a blockchain empowered internet has no use for the everyday person, it is simply that we have a few parts to fix.

While the majority of web3 projects are looking to create new products, Intu has identified a critical flaw in the current web3 ecosystem that can no longer be ignored.

The crypto wallet.

The failure of the wallet

For web3 to thrive we need to attract users for reasons beyond the potential to invest in a moonshot project and collecting cool ape jpgs. Web3 should not be synonymous with gambling, scams, and risky investments.

If we do not use the lessons of the past two years to improve the web3 experience then the entire experiment could fail. Web3 is barely out of beta and, thus, this is the prime time to reevaluate, iterate, and improve.

“We’re still early” is more than a meme, it is a precise definition of the current state of the web3 industry. Revolutionary blockchain innovations are being developed daily, yet too many people believe web3 is ready for mass adoption and the only challenge is to bring new users into the space.

Yet, in reality, to make web3 ready for mass adoption we need to fix the account creation and management process.

Community hype, high yields, marketing budgets, and charismatic founders are not enough to sustain a web3 project. The bear market is in full swing and many projects are down over 90% from their all-time highs. Yet, we have experienced unprecedented interest in how blockchain technology can disrupt the status quo.

Web3 has become a household name as has the concept of a crypto wallet. Yet, few understand how a crypto wallet really works, with even more believing that if you own a crypto wallet, you are on your own. There is no customer support, no helpdesk, and no way to recover your private key if it is lost.

The future of web3 accounts

With the launch of Intu at ETHDenver 2023 the days of subpar crypto accounts will be a thing of the past. Intu will allow any web3 user to easily and safely protect their digital assets with minimal cost. Further, users will be protected by the native decentralization of their chosen blockchain along with local cryptography.

What does this mean? Well any web3 project will be able to integrate Intu into their dApps to give users uncompromised ownership of their assets.

Intu allows anyone to safely share and recover web3 accounts without worrying about exposing their private keys.

Currently, the only alternatives to traditional web3 wallets are complex MPC solutions or smart contract wallets. MPC solutions are typically centralized and difficult to integrate while current smart contract wallets have other usability issues including compatibility with some dApps.

Whatever your preferred risk and responsibility tolerances, Intu has a timely solution that will supercharge your web3 experience.

We believe Intu will become the foundational layer of web3 by giving users the confidence to interact with dApps without fear, uncertainty, or doubt.

If you are thinking, “this sounds like account abstraction”, you would be close, but that’s not the full story. If you are familiar with the concept of account abstraction, Intu is going to turn your world upside down, so stay tuned.

Subscribe to our Medium to learn more about Intu in the coming weeks as we announce our roadmap, whitepaper, and technical documentation.



Intu Official

On a mission to create a #HumanFirstWeb3 by building advanced cryptographic solutions for some of the most difficult & limiting issues in Web3 👨‍🚀🌘