Revolutionizing OTC Desks with Manda Labs and Intu’s SDK: Pioneering a Fair and Secure Future for Boutique OTC Operations

Intu Official
4 min readMay 9, 2023


Text on the left reads “Bridge the gap between theory and practice in DAO governance” in white on a yellow and pink gradient background, with an overlay patter of semi-transparent door shapes, a shape associated with the company branding of Intu. On the left is an image of bridge wires, with the logo of web3 company Intu overlayed.

Introduction to Manda Labs

Manda Labs is crypto infrastructure that aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice in DAO governance and social choice theory. Initially focused on DAO-to-DAO mergers and acquisitions, Manda Labs leveraged the to evolve into a comprehensive framework for Over-The-Counter (OTC) deals.

Designed for DAOs, group investors, and those who manage shared wallets, the project aims to facilitate group coordination in reaching an agreement on asset prices, offering a safer way to conduct operations and asset exchanges.

Three Key Markets and Overcoming Challenges

Manda Labs has identified key markets in DAO operations like M&A deals, crypto investors like VCs buying large amounts of tokens for DAOs/protocols, and the secondary market for traders and enthusiasts. Crypto challenges the traditional abstraction layer, making operations at the protocol level more challenging and involving more people in the decision-making process.

Tools are needed to streamline decision-making and engage in financial activities efficiently. The delegation, similar to real-life political systems, is one solution. In addition, Manda Labs is innovating in voting systems for better governance and decision-making and providing a secure infrastructure for essential operations.

Manda Labs’s Integration with Intu’s SDK

Manda Labs is integrating Intu’s SDK into its tech stack to facilitate this advanced offering. Intu’s SDK is a practical new protocol for generating better Web3 accounts with all the necessary tooling for developers from all walks of life. It provides Web3-native Externally-Owned Accounts (EOAs) with advanced functionality and usefulness, including account recovery, distributed ownership/risk, and secure account generation. In addition, the protocol uses existing cryptographic infrastructure already used by decentralized networks, such as external-user addressing, signature formation, and transaction verification.

The integration of Intu’s SDK enables Manda Labs to offer a new DAO offering that opens up the mergers and acquisitions market for other DAOs. This collaboration promises to revolutionize the way DAOs operate, resulting in a more transparent, efficient, and accessible ecosystem for all stakeholders, ultimately leading to better user experiences and fostering further growth in the decentralized world.

“The flexibility makes it easy for us, an absolute game changer for us to use their wallet so that you can gather the liquidity in the wallet, have all the agreement and activity happen, and then the liquidity goes out of this wallet.” — Manda Labs

Streamlining Voting and Facilitating Security with Intu

Manda Labs is working on a project to facilitate security in DAOs and find new ways to approach the “death by committee” problem. They are streamlining the ability to vote representatives securely, making the process quicker. Their project uses Intu’s technology, which involves dynamic private keys and flexible control over wallet ownership.

The DAO chose Intu because it allows it to create temporary wallets, gather liquidity for deals, and securely manage transactions. The wallet can change ownership without moving assets in and out, ensuring the money is always safe. In addition, Intu’s features offer flexibility, like setting signing thresholds for transactions, and enable a new feature of “wallet swap,” where ownership of a portfolio can be bought directly instead of purchasing individual assets.

Manda Labs’s Innovative Blockchain-Native Electronic Voting System

Manda Labs’s blockchain-native electronic voting system uses the median of medians as a voting rule. This mechanism is designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice in DAO governance and social choice theory. The fairness properties of the median of medians mechanism are robustness, “strategy proofness,” efficiency, and simplicity.

The tool is robust to extreme values as it does not get disproportionately affected by outliers, like the mean.

TLDR; Embracing a New Era for Decentralized OTC Desks and DAO Governance

The TLDR; is Manda Labs’s integration of Intu’s SDK into its tech stack opens up new opportunities for fair and secure OTC swaps in the decentralized space. By streamlining decision-making, providing robust and secure infrastructure, and enhancing wallet functionality, Manda Labs, and Intu are pioneering a future where DAOs can efficiently and securely conduct M&A deals, manage token investments, and participate in secondary markets for low-liquidity coins.

The collaboration brings forth an innovative approach to DAO governance, electronic voting systems, and wallet management, ensuring a more transparent, fair, and accessible ecosystem for all stakeholders. Furthermore, the fusion of Manda Labs’s expertise in social choice theory and Intu’s cutting-edge SDK creates a powerful synergy that can revolutionize how DAOs operate in the crypto world and trade together. Bridging the gap between TradFi and Decentralized world

The advancements made by Manda Labs and Intu in overcoming challenges within the crypto space are expected to lead to better user experiences, fostering further growth and adoption of decentralized technologies. Furthermore, as the landscape of blockchain and cryptocurrency continues to evolve, projects like Manda Labs and Intu aim to remain at the forefront of innovation, driving the industry toward a more equitable, secure, and efficient future.

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Intu Official

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