InVar Finance: Origin

InVar Finance
6 min readSep 20, 2022


The emerging, decentralized world is full of adventure and opportunity, InVar anchored the rough road to massive crypto adoption, and with a solid foundation and benign origin.

Introducing to InVar Finance

InVar envision building a hybrid financial infrastructure and platform, which we defined as HyFi Protocol, by bridging real economy into the crypto space, TradFi integration with DeFi. The path to hybrid finance exists sophisticated tasks and challenges that InVar or any other hasn’t confronted before.

The origin of InVar is from an idea to make positive impacts on traditional financial system, and supply economic values to support whole decentralized protocols after a group of talents discovered the crypto-fragility.

Learn the mistake from the antecedent and ensure the infrastructure and product built in InVar are reliable and sustainable, so, security, impact and innovation become the codes of development.

When diving deeper into the development of InVar, you will find out why InVar is distinguished, and what InVar building is promising, and how it can empower the entire financial ecosystem.

InVar — Symbol of Hybrid Finance

“InVar — FeNi36, the king of alloy, is notable for its uniquely low coefficient of thermal expansion.” InVar, the name comes from the word invariable, referring to the determination of financial services we aimed to accomplish, which should be consistent to the mission, a solid base layer below the protocol, and a steel-like token economic system.

To real fulfillment, InVar believe real value capture is essential to a trust-minimized, energetic economy, therefore, acquiring ideal productive real-world-assets and resources is the preliminary act in addition to compliance preparation.

Make positive impacts to these extraordinary crypto revolutions, take accountability within financial innovation. InVar Finance is attempting to be trustworthy symbol of hybrid finance.

Infrastructure, Tokenomic & HyFi

As above mentioned, InVar discovered and realized selling narrative is no use for better crypto construction and healthy ecosystem. In order to build HyFi protocol in steady pace, acquiring real value and building feasible model is first lesson to us. 🤓

Infrastructure of tokenization is defined as flagship product of InVar Finance, which named InVaria 2222. The main reason of why we choose to develop tokenization as foundation is we strongly believe crypto ecosystem needs another pipeline in real world to its own good. Moreover, InVar is inspired by the concept of “Hyperstructure” from Zora Founder- Jacob, and many of fail cases in DeFi, stablecoin areas.

So, design and build-up solid, trust-minimized HyFi infrastructure is serious to the self-sustainable ecosystem, and eventually can run by code and community.

Hyperstructures- Crypto protocols that can run for free and forever, without maintenance, interruption or intermediaries.

InVaria2222 is positioned in RWA tokenization world, and planned to be open-platform to everyone to utilize their valuable assets for financing, or access hard assets investment on-chain for multiple scenarios, such as asset management, portfolio optimization, etc.

MVP of InVaria2222 is already launched, check 👉🏻 InVaria2222 Website

Tokenomic? Yeah, we surely have tokenomic plan, but it’s not suitable to release and execute in early stage. Issuing token is like routine for crypto project, however, InVar is not that type of project, we want to make sure everything is on the track and infrastructure is solid to reliance.

As the illustration below, stablecoin and governance token is part of InVar’s tokenomic, and the details will be released when the timing is appropriate. No matter the tokenization or tokenomic is all for the goal of constructing hybrid financial product and service. It’s all about integration between TradFi & DeFi, Real-Economy & Crypto-Economy.

In mature stage, InVar will be the self-sustainable ecosystem to bridge, exchange and connect values between both worlds.

InVaria 🏜, the unexplored desert full of noises and uncertainty… the key word for human-beings in this cryptic world is “RWA”.

RWA — Economic Backbone to Decentralized World

RWA is an acronym for real-world-asset. As the development chart above, InVaria2222 is positioned as a novel project to sail the wave to construct the solid foundation with proven income originated from hard assets.

It’s obvious to understand utilize widely accepted real-world-assets is the way to avoid the fragility which solely relying on virtual economic system. Printing, designing narrative, and twiddling concept is no meaning to us after everyone already saw too many fairytales corrupted with dust, InVar target something real and value-generating. The priority of InVar is building valuable solutions to current flaws in both traditional and emerging financial systems.

It will not be perfect early, but we strongly believe InVaria2222 as the first RWA fractionalized NFT world will bring a novel type of investment vehicles which contain the real-world exposure without border limitation, relatively transparency and efficiency, and much composability to interact with other infrastructures.

In investment perspective, the NFT with interest-bearing and backed by RWA has several advantages to the purposes of risk-hedging, portfolio diversification and passive investing. Especially in the severe market situation, stable yield-generating strategy may be a best choice other than buy-and-hold. And InVar create this new option for investors to re-organize their investment decision.

However, in the perspective of adoption, RWA will be another beachhead to DeFi or NFT projects to conquer, no matter to posses the values, keep it as reserve and economic backstop or derivatives development.

What Have Done & to Do Next

Think big, and make change. 🏜😉

InVaria2222 is under the whitelist application period, and make sure to secure your place in this cryptic world, limited 500 supply in first phase, and huge benefits to expect. ➡️ Join DC now!!

Keep building InVaria2222- the RWA tokenized world is main task for InVar this year. After the first RWA fractionalization model was launched, we have simultaneously researched and developed the second model for mechanism iteration and with more composability. All in all, we will developing and exploring new stuffs continuously.

In addition to product development and marketing, we have been discussing with the Bahrain government about the implementation of RWA tokenization, also the development of PropTech real estate technology. In first quarter of 2022, team presented the business plan and the big picture of InVar to regulators, and set-up entity in Bahrain and Taiwan to move forward our goals. In the past two months, we have also been building relationships with the leading crypto-exchange and several VCs, moreover, the preliminary consensus on the development is clear, and there may be some cooperations in the near-future.

For more information, please refer to our official website- Mindmap. 😉

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👳‍♀️ Community: If you’re ready to join the front lines, join DC and talk to the team! New to all this? Get started with Linktree.

👩‍💻 Builder: Want to build something cool with InVar? or either an asset manager or technologist? InVar team would love to help you get started.

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InVar Finance

Hybrid Finance Protocol first launch RWA-backed NFT-yielding platform, InVaria2222.