Invariant user guide

3 min readDec 30, 2021


Invariant is an auto market maker decentralized exchange built on the Solana blockchain.
We are characterized by the highest capital efficiency and risk management.

You will not find there the order book like on the traditional and mostly centralized exchanges as we are based on liquidity pools.
In short, Liquidity Pool is the place where the liquidity providers put their assets in return for the profits earned from the fee.
Moreover, we mentioned the auto market maker.
AMM is a tool to enable automatic trading of digital assets by Liquidity Pools.

We will write more about the difference between order book and liquidity polls in the future.

Ok, you know the very basics. So how to use our platform?

First, you need to connect your wallet.
We support many wallets, such as Phantom, Sollet, Clover, Slope, and more, however, we suggest using Phantom.
Make sure, you choose devnet on your wallet (currently we work only on the Devnet network)
Next, click the Faucet button. It will send you test tokens.

Connecting wallet, and using Faucet for test tokens

Welcome to the first page of Invariant — the Swap.
This page does not differ significantly from the other swap pages you may have seen before.
You need to choose token A, token B, the amounts and click swap.
Great, you swapped tokens on AMM DEX, sounds good! :)

Swap tokens

The next page is the pool page
When you click ADD POSITION, magic things will appear.

Let’s start from the left side.
Firstly, you need to choose a pair of tokens and a fee tier, where every pair of tokens offers some fee tiers
Lower fee tiers are best for stable pairs and higher for more exotic ones.

Now, attention please!
I will introduce the biggest feature of our app — concentrated liquidity.
In common liquidity pools, liquidity is distributed along the whole price curve.
Here, in Invariant, you can choose an exact price range. As a result, the whole invested amount will work for you.

Now choose a range price and click ADD LIQUIDITY.
Great, now you are a liquidity provider! :)

Creating liquidity position

As you can see, you don’t have to put coins in the proportion 50/50, this is another feature of concentrated liquidity.
In Invariant you can even provide liquidity using only one token.
You can do it if the chosen range price is above or below the current price.
As a result, when price will enter in your chosen range, you will start earning, even though you only provided one token

Liquidity position with only one token

After that you can go back to the pool page, then you will see your previously added liquidity position. You will see the tokens, how much of it you put, chosen fee tier, range and value of the whole liquidity position.
When you click on it, you will see even more details.
Moreover, you can close this position and claim the earns

Claiming fee




First significant AMM DEX providing concentrated liquidity on Solana.