FEED the Millennials: Why Cryptocurrency is Growing a Generation of New Investors

3 min readJul 17, 2017


The face of the new-age investor won’t be the archetype that we’re typically used to. We’ve entered a time of smart investing, where more Millennials are looking towards alternative options to invest in their futures. However, their view of traditional investments has been marred by corporate interests and an increase in the amount of available information.

“The switch from equities to cryptocurrencies will also target a Millennial user base that has shown disinterest in traditional investments. Millennials are more excited by this new technology because they feel empowered by the ability to participate in markets without traditional third-party interference.” ~ investFeed CTO Andrew Freedman

Our intended user base not only includes the professional trader and investor, the institutional managers, and the financial news outlets — but the newcomer. The raw Millennial thinkers that are interested in a new market, free of centralization and rich with intelligence and innovation. The ambitious dreamer looking to support democratic initiatives beyond the reach of an overarching entity. Those who wish to reward the greater good, and avoid the cacophonous symphony of third-party influence.

This is why Millennials have been slowly shifting towards cryptocurrencies in favor of conventional equities — Millennials want their investing to make a difference.

Millennials have also been drawn to the cryptocurrency market due to its security — it can’t be directly devalued or confiscated by governments. That tends to bear much weight with Millennials considering their widespread distrust of governmental institutions. Cryptocurrency’s materiality is fitting for a digital age, where technological savviness has championed technological skepticism.

One of the single largest takeaways from a study conducted by Facebook IQ in 2016 entitled Millennials + Money: The Unfiltered Journey was that Millennials crowdsource financial advice, and that they are an integral part of the sharing generation. They share important parts of their lives online, including money matters. That is directly related to the environment that we’ve constructed on investFeed.

Take for example our live streaming feeds and channels for current and upcoming cryptocurrencies.

On investfeed, our members will be able to interact with each other on live feeds of cryptocurrencies they’re interested in. Besides having rich user profile customization abilities, each cryptocurrency has an individual feed that encourages users to share their thoughts, ideas, and questions. Users can also either buy or sell the cryptocurrency directly on the livestream feeds.

As a social platform, we want to make sure that our users have a plethora of options to utilize when the desire to express their thoughts comes about. This is why we’ve integrated multiple content options to use when interacting with livestream feeds.

Each stream will give users the option to:

  • Share 500 character posts
  • Publish and share articles with embedded multimedia
  • Upload audio or video directly
  • Share portfolio holdings and trade activity

As we slowly reach beyond web 2.0 — the age of user-generated content and interoperability — we wish to use blockchain technology to be in the Vanguard of web 3.0 development. The development of our singular gateway to the market seeks to reward users who contribute towards our common goals of transparency and democracy. The unmediated distribution of content combined with user interactivity allows investFeed to not only exist as a project teeming with innovation, but as a model for the future.

Make sure to check out our social channels to communicate with not just the team, but the investFeed community as well. We are excited to have you onboard!




investFeed is the first incentivized next-generation social investment network for cryptocurrencies.