The FEED Token: The Pinnacle of the Platform

3 min readJul 14, 2017


In Ethereum’s drive to become a form of a world computer, the digital token has become the central point for certain functionality features on decentralized applications (Dapps). The tokens are essentially smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, and the FEED token we at investFeed are introducing adheres to the ERC-20 standard that has become synonymous with development on the Ethereum network.

The ERC-20 standard has not only allowed for wallet standardization where developers are able to streamline a solution to hold the various tokens being created, but it also defines a set of functions within the Ethereum network. By adopting the ERC-20 standard in our token generation event (TGE), we’re ensuring our processes within the Ethereum network are as smooth as possible, and allowing our community to effortlessly store these tokens.

We feel it is incredibly important for our user community to understand how our FEED token will function on the investFeed platform and why we’re choosing to hold a token sale. Recently, the frequency of token sales associated with blockchain projects has increased exponentially due to their ability to support development. A token sale also promotes developer adoption and network growth in general for a platform. Through the support and adoption of the FEED token growth and development of the investFeed platform will be enabled, allowing us to provide our community of users with a unique cryptocurrency experience.

Logo for the FEED token

The FEED token isn’t just being circulated for the development of the project — it also is a part of revolutionizing the user experience on the investFeed platform. The FEED token will allow our users to access new features, and interact on the platform in brand new ways.

This will be a key differentiator for the investFeed platform when compared with “standard” social networks. Typically on social networks such as Twitter, participants donate their time to contribute and validate information. However, on the investFeed platform, the FEED token will become the incentive and reward for the work that our community contribute to the platform.

The FEED token will provide an incentive for users to create quality content. Users who gain traction within the community and accumulate a following have the option of releasing premium content including articles, videos, and more that would be accessed via the FEED token. The token will also be available for creating promotions to attract customers and for individual feed subscriptions. Additionally, the token could be used to purchase an ad-free experience throughout the platform. The FEED token will be at the apex of all of our value-add user experiences across the investFeed platform.

Make sure to check out our social channels to communicate with not just the team, but the investFeed community as well. We are excited to have you on-board!

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investFeed is the first incentivized next-generation social investment network for cryptocurrencies.