Investa UK
2 min readApr 24, 2018

Investa has been developed over the last 2 years by the founders, Nick Moore, Petr L Huszar and Chris Schwarz. The team developed more than just a blockchain project, it designed a very friendly user interface, which includes innovation, security, scalability, and flexibility. Investa crypto banking platform will offer Crypto Debit Cards, an ICO ETF Basket, the Investa Launchpad, the Investa Enterprise Funding Platform, a Crypto ATM Network, an e-Wallet, as well as the INV Exchange Platform.

When is the Presale beginning?

Well, in less than seven days’ time — on 1st May Investa Pre-Sale round will begin. During the Token Sale, 30,000,000 INV will be made available for purchase, from a total supply of 50,000,000. The token sale seeks to distribute at least 1,000,000, to meet the soft cap.

What about the USD rate?

Participants will be able to pick up INV at a rate of 1USD = 2.5 INV, with discounts ranging from 60% to 30%. 10,000,000 INV will be available at this stage. Access to the presale will be limited to whitelist members, with limited allocations of tokens available per subscriber to avoid concentration.

What happens after the Pre-Sale?

After the Pre-Sale, the discounts available will range from 20% to 5%, and the remaining 20,000,000 will be made available for acquisition during the main ICO sale.

When will the platform be available?

The platform is set to roll out throughout 2018, with main releases slated for September and December. The end of the token sale and offers will take place in July 2018, so the platform will launch 60 days after that.

