Why Investa is different to other ICOs?

Investa UK
2 min readJun 10, 2018


Investa have reduced our product set and removed the less popular products from our launch plans. We did this as part of a revised whitepaper and website which was updated approx 3 weeks ago.
The products that were removed were too labour and capital intensive to setup with the ICO funds we have raised so far, so we took the decision to streamline our offering.
1. Peer to peer lending platforms have struggled to capitalise in the crypto market with enough FIAT liquidity to satisfy the demand from borrowers. We looked at projects such as SALT which are seeing a hugely one sided demand from borrowers, whilst having only a few $mn of FIAT to lend out. This is a strong reason why we have removed the enterprise p2p product from our Whitepaper, plus the fact that none of our token buyers asked about this service.

2. In addition, our planned ETF Crypto Fund and Launchpad ICO incubator platform were similarly complex and lower demand products, which we have not been asked about by the community, so we took the decision to simply focus our offering on the core demand we have seen from our token buyers.

3. This is why the new Whitepaper focuses on the Investa Prepaid Crypto Cards, ATMs and our new Crypto Exchange.
These products are in development and can be launched within a short period, meaning that we will be running a profitable and manageable suite of complimentary services which are still part of our original project plan.
A true digital banking platform, which enables our users to seamlessly transfer crypto to FIAT in a convenient way.

We believe that this is in the best interests of our token buyers, who are the ones that have shown they believe in our project by supporting us with their coins. We continue to engage in discussions with our community via our telegram chat 24/7 and are always open to hearing ideas and suggestions on how to improve our product/ market fit. join us at t.me/investaco

It is our belief that Investa is one of the only ICO’s to be focused on using our INV token to make profit from quick to market products, which have real business cases and proven demand. So many ICO’s are selling fantastic ideas and protocol concepts — which investors seem to be super excited about (EOS, fantom, quarkchain, edenchain) but they all have zero real demand in the current market for their ‘solutions’
Investa is the opposite approach, we will not change the world thru our advanced tech, we will do it thru our effective and logical application of existing tech — just like Apple have proven so successfully!
Come and join us, we will do it together…

