Pastor Jason Ridgeway
1 min readJun 13, 2021

Today’s Word

Our FATHER in Heaven, we just want to thank YOU, for keeping us and our loved ones, from dangers seen and unseen. Thank YOU for providing all of our needs, and even some of our wants. Thank YOU for Salvation, forgiveness, Answered Prayers, YOUR Word, our Savior JESUS Christ, adequate shelter, food, clothing, clean water to drink, finances, transportation and many other things that we some times take for granted. Help us to train up our children in the right way, so when they are older, they will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6)👣. Lead and guide us by YOUR HOLY SPIRIT. Surround us with others that will bring us to a closer, right relationship with YOU. With YOU in our lives, we can have Victory in every area. Invade our conditions, situations and circumstances, as we study and obey YOUR Word💒Which is able to Save our souls.We want to experience all of YOUR Many Benefits 2 Timothy 3:16-17🙏 Heal our World, FATHER GOD🌎 2 Chronicles 7:14

Pastor Jason Ridgeway

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