Unmasking the Bots: How AI is Weaponizing Information for Mass Influence

7 min readJul 22, 2024


AI-based propaganda is proliferating rapidly. Let's check it out.

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While browsing X / Twitter recently, there were some new followers gained and plenty of low-engagement accounts tweeting about controversial topics. After scrolling through the feed for a while there was an interesting tweet that got the brain thinking about a topic that's both close to the heart and extremely prevalent for the modern age.

What topic you might ask? Propaganda. Or, more specifically. Propaganda that was enabled by the usage of language learning model AI’s.

Let’s have a look at the offending tweet. We’ll keep it cut down to the content only, to protect the not-so-innocent, and use a screen capture so we aren’t “targeting” anyone specifically or driving traffic to questionable accounts.

Looks pretty mild doesn’t it? But looking at that tweet tells us something pretty interesting. Those who are familiar with ChatGPT, you’re probably well aware of the “I am an AI language model” responses that are returned…




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