How to earn money off the cryptocurrency market?

Invest in Brokers
5 min readApr 24, 2018


Last year we’ve witnessed one of the most mind boggling bull runs ever seen in the cryptocurrency market. In just one year we’ve seen the market cap, which was at that time around $17 billion, climb to over $800 billion, reaching its peak on January 7th 2018 to nearly $814 billion. The incredible climb has undoubtedly grabbed the attention of many experienced- and new investors alike. However, as incredible as was the climb, as incredible was the ‘correction’ that soon followed after. Ever since reaching its peak, the market has been in a rapid decline, with its current low reached on March 30th 2018, hitting slightly north of $254 billion.

As many investors probably learned during this wild roller coaster, making consistent profits in the cryptocurrency market isn’t as easy as it might have appeared during the bull run. With the sweet memories of our once glorious portfolio a couple of months ago, many are left scratching their heads wondering: “What did I do wrong?”.

In this article we will describe the most common mistakes made by investors; What we can learn from those mistakes, and how copy-trading will revolutionize the way investors approach the market.

Know your enemy

Looking at the trading market in general; it’s a well known fact that most investors lose money rather than make money. This isn’t necessarily the result…. rather their inability to learn…

not their lack of knowledge, information or experience. The main reason they are losing money is their selves. Most of the traders constantly make the same mistakes over and over again without changing their habits, without learning out of their mistakes and learn to trade differently.

The scheme can be read as a book.

CHAPTER 1: Excitement

At the start there is always optimism and willingness to invest in the cryptocurrency market. The price of the cryptocurrency they invested in is growing day after day, even week after week. The investor is excited, with the eyes of imagination already seeing future profits. They sometimes invest more in the same cryptocurrency in order to have a bigger volume. There might be a few minor corrections but they only last a few days and aren’t significant compared to the prior gains. Now even the newspapers and other media are showing the great results of the cryptocurrency exchange, cryptocurrency prices are breaking records, and analyst are predicting further increase and subsequent years of great prosperity preceded by at most a “local correction”.

CHAPTER 2: Anxiety

At first they think it’s a “local correction”. When the correction seems bigger than a local correction they invest more in order to have more shares. The value keeps decreasing so they invest even more in order to lower their average buy price. They convince themselves that the price can’t go any lower and they invest again. The capital injected now is higher than the profits they made and every extra drop that the currency makes is a loss for them. The recurring phrases to reassure themselves are always the same: «It will definitely bounce back!”; “It can’t fall any lower!”. They’ve now lost all their gains but also a part of their capital.

CHAPTER 3: Panic sell

They’ve now lost all their gains but also a part of their capital. They are getting desperate and fatalist. The most common phrases here are “as soon as it bounces, I sell everything!” Butt it doesn’t work like that and the market doesn’t bounce immediately. They start panicking and sell all shares without even looking at the price anymore in order to “save” some capital.

CHAPTER 4: The Bottom

After the gigantic loss, depression comes. Everyone wonders where he made the mistake and why he was so stupid that he lost most of the money invested. During this time, cryptocurrency prices are slowly falling lower and lower, and with the falling turn they are tamping down the bottom of the bear market. This is the “point of the maximum investment opportunity”, meaning the legendary BOTTOM.

Final Chapter: Rewind

As we have hit the bottom there is a new bull market that is born. Some traders will have stepped out of the game but even more will start at chapter one.

Social trustless Copy Trading

The number of traders on cryptocurrency markets grows unimaginably fast year by year. Unfortunately, 90% of them share the fate described in this article, therefore we recommend that novice investors take interest in copy trading. Copy-trading allows traders on financial markets to automatically copy, open and manage positions by a selected and experienced investor. The Invest Platform comes with the needed help. It is a platform that enables everyone to trade in cryptocurrencies as well as the best and most experienced traders.

This style of investment is becoming more and more popular in the world of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are a global phenomenon with unprecedented growth dynamics, mostly due to a low entry barrier for retail investors.

Invest platform is a social trustless copy-trading system through which users are able to follow the best and most experienced traders and copy their trades in real time without any effort or worries on some of the most popular exchanges such as Bittrex , Binance, Bitmex and many more.

How does it work?

Experienced traders who are registered on our platform can share their performance for everyone to see. Users pick and choose the traders they wish to subscribe to based on their preferred investment style or past performance.
Once a user has subscribed to a trader of their liking; our platform links the account through an API, this way any move the trader makes, is copied automatically and directly on your account on the exchange of your liking.

Why Invest Platform?

Many other copy-trading systems require users to deposit money into the wallets of these companies. This puts your funds at risk and out of your control. Invest platform however, thanks to the connection with exchanges through the API, has no need for users to send their funds to platforms. Invest Platform is truly trustful and allows users to keep their funds on the exchanges on their account. Because of this, anyone who uses our platform will always be in full control of their funds.
Copy trading is also treated as passive income, which is becoming more and more popular. We invite you to check Invest in Brokers. Maybe this is what you are just looking for?

Learn more about copy trading on our website:


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