10 Lessons I Learned In 2022(Finance Edition)

Jake (Bam) Vest
4 min readDec 22, 2022



lesson learned in 2022

The 2022 year in 10 lessons-Finance edition. You learn from your mistakes and experience so with that being said. I’ve seen a lot in my life, and I’ve made a lot of mistakes. These can be summarized by the following 10 lessons I learn in 2022:

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  1. Skills of training your mind into a money-making machine.

Finding 10 different ways to make money on and offline.

2. Your Brain is a muscle

Your brain is a muscle-take a break sometime

just like your bicep, legs, and every muscle in your body.

You have to feed yourself with green foods and healthy carbs. Feed that muscle to get the most out of your day. Most Importantly, working out is essential for better blood flow to your brain. Eat fruits like beets to improve better blood flow. Take a break sometimes.

3. Take chances and follow your mind.

Doing research and paying attention to small details will make sure you make the right investment move. With research, you can follow your mind.

4. Beware who is in your circle

Surround yourself with who can help you and relax

Paying attention to who is around keeps you safe money-wise. You do not know who is there to help you get rich or steal. Being aware of who is around and knowing their character will help you become a wealthy and trusted individual.

5. Surround yourself with those who can help you

Surrounding yourself who can help you as well as you giving value back to him or her. Help each other grow and build/expand your network. Your Network will be your net worth.

6. The ability not to overwork

Relaxing and not overworking

Sleep is very important as knowing me. I can work from 8 am-5 am with no break. That kind of worth ethic takes a toll on your body. Knowing when to stop and enjoy your surroundings will help you to stop overworking.

This is hard for me and I am currently working on it. I just started sharing my knowledge with medium so as we go you will learn some major money moves.

7. Work in Chunks

Work in chunks so works smarter not harder. Break your work down

By learning how to break up my work schedule with off and online I get more done and can have more free time. This can help stop overworking.

8. Becoming a better communication

Learning how to communicate with employees and others is important to build good teamwork. I get the most out of the people I work around by adding value via encouragement, gifts or just being charming. Making people laugh and be comfortable always helps as well.

9. Investing in myself

Start investing in yourself

Investing in myself by training my mind with the Make It Happen and Pursuing Wealth Ebook. A lot of people will think investing in yourself has to be a big amount of money. Wrong, you can get cheap ebooks or get a FREE course on youtube or Class Central.

However, you do have to invest in your progress so you cannot be cheap. I found the unknown sites that are legit and seem to produce good value.

Right now I am learning how to learn on Class Central. I need to be more efficient with my learning and processing things quicker.

10. Stick To Your Decision

stick to your decision and stay positive

Always stick to your decision unless you have a good reason to change. Stand your ground. Stay positive


Those are the 10 lessons I learned in 2022. What have you learned? In the last 12 months, I started using the term “10 Lessons I Learned In 2022” as I would share what I learned as I learned it. The lessons are intended to help me be more efficient and productive. One thing I have learned is that money is a tool to open more doors to success.

Thank you for reading!


Comment below your 2022 lesson learned!

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Jake (Bam) Vest

I have plenty of knowledge on making money online & sharing my finance tips. If you like making money online and Invest in stocks/crypto. Follow me