Investoland partners with RSK to develop on top of Bitcoin

Investoland will be one of the first platforms in the world developed on top of the Bitcoin blockchain.

2 min readApr 8, 2019

Investoland sealed its alliance with RSK, the first open source smart contract platform secured by the strongest network in the world.

With this partnership, Investoland will develop its decentralized investment network on top of Bitcoin, powered by RSK. This platform is positioned well above other blockchain solutions in terms of security and efficiency, it stands out as the logical step for Investoland, that will always be at the technological forefront.

RSK is a sidechain of the Bitcoin Blockchain, secured by Bitcoin miners.

The possibility of developing smart contracts secured by the Bitcoin network sets the perfect stage for Investoland’s development.

In this way, we continue strengthening Investoland, by sealing important alliances with the top players in the ecosystem, both regionally and globally.

Our goal to democratize the field of investments is everyday a step closer to become a reality. The possibility of taking real possession of your assets thanks to one of the most disruptive technologies in history and secured by the most important decentralized network, makes Investoland a real revolution in the world of investments.

With the objective of allowing people from the RSK ecosystem to familiarize themselves with our project and participate, therefore generating a larger and more solid community, the end of our crowdsale will be 16/08, without changing the vesting period of those who participated in our pre-sale.

May 26th (UTC -3) will mark the beginning of our smart contract-governed crowdsale, so from that date forward all conditions of sale and issuance will be fixed, thanks to the inmutable code that will run on the RSK platform.

