Investoland: the path travelled, the path we stand in and the path to come

3 min readJan 28, 2019


We initiated 2018 with a clear mission: to disrupt the current business model by democratizing the investment world to anyone who wants to participate.

This motivation led us to grow as a team of 6 people at the beginning of last year, to 30 professionals who dedicate day and night to see this dream come true.

We funded 82 projects,achieved over 70,000 investments in the site and allowed 5,000 people to access a world of investments that previously unavailable.

The next logical step for this investment model is to be deployed on blockchain technology, that’s why we are committed to Investoland’s development, the decentralized network of investments on which we will set our operations.
The blockchain emerges as a way to store information faithfully, and the best use for this technology (if not the only one) is when we talk about financial interactions.

Since December 2017 we saw the idea of basing our operations on the Ethereum network grow from a logical step to become an ecosystem full of improvements and assurances, impossible to achieve in the off-chain world.

The continuous liquidity protocol, both for the Inve and the projects within the network, will provide constant and asynchronous entry and exit to any investor, without the need to find buying party for the transaction.

The social network based on economic incentives will generate a community that takes care of itself and profits by doing it, promoting the decentralization of trust in the platform.

The smart contracts that govern the projects will allow us to connect entrepreneurs and investors directly, with a technological system that rules the interactions between them.

The tokenization of assets will allows us to deliver the physical ownership of the projects to the investors, cutting middlemans and making the process more efficient and safer. In this way, we can eliminate the “platform risk” investors would have in another scenario of investment, in addition to the risk inherent to the project they choose.

We are working with our interdisciplinary team in the beta implementation of our continuous liquidity protocol, and finalizing details of our economic incentive-based social network, to be initially released off-chain.

The project attracted the interest of the great players of the ecosystem, both regionally and globally.

We have an agreement in place with Bancor, a cross-blockchain continuous liquidity protocol, on which we inspired our own protocol for the projects. We are also analyzing alliances with some blockchain companies who are interested in us deploying our network on top of their blockchains.

Wee are in touch with of the biggest exchanges in the world as well as the biggest in the Latin America, for our token to be listed and provide liquidity shortly after the currency is minted.

In an environment where trust is everything, we are reducing to a minimum the points where investors have to trust, both in us and in the entrepreneur, approaching as much as possible to an ecosystem of trustless investments.

We are very happy with the team we built, and will continue building.

Our pre-sale will finish on the 26th of May with a price per token of USD 0.9, when our public sale begin at USD 1. The token will be issued and initiate its vesting June 7.

To everyone who participated: We are very grateful to you for trusting us from an early stage and seeing us grow from being an idea to being a global project that is breaking paradigms.

Guido A. Quaranta

CEO & Founder

