Startup Funding Types with Major Pros and Cons

Investor Connect
3 min readNov 2, 2018


To start a business, the most necessary thing is fund and it is required to be in a good amount. Most of the business owner has the advantage with the fund that’s why they were able to go well. But, it doesn’t matter that the businesses can’t be established without the fund.

There are many methods which can help to raise fund for the startup and many of them are effective. In such methods, the masses sharing the fund gain shares and they are able to sell lately. Everyone consider the type of company and chances of growing before investing in it.

Along with such reasons, there are many benefits to both, the company and the investors which make Startup Funding in Texas as the reliable option as compared to other ones. As mentioned that there are many methods, so, you can check out popular one with their pros and cons to learn more about it.

1. Angel Investors

One of the most popular types among other is Angel investors where the investors are supporting financially for the share of equity. These shares are giving the benefits to investors in the future because if the company grows, then the money of investors will grow also.
The Angel Investors is a quick option to raise fund in a few days and it works perfectly for most of the small scale companies trying to reach on the new level. The only issue is with the investment size which ranges a lot but it won’t exceed $1 Million and it can be big trouble.

2. Venture Capital

There is no doubt in the fact that equity investor in Texas brings the best option. However, the venture capital is getting much popularity due to the quick option of raising money with ease. Even, there are no limits of the money amount. It can easily help to collect a big amount in the small amount of time.

Despite the fact that it works perfectly, The venture can steer the business in the direction they don’t want to opt for. Such reasons can make VC as the less reliable option among others. Being selective is necessary and require you to read terms and conditions thoroughly.

3. Friends and Family

For a small company, the investment of $20,000 is enough and it can come in handy. Collecting a big amount is also easy and you don’t have to worry about any type of paperwork. But, you have to find people who trust in your and they can pay you the money.

In addition to this, you have the pressure of successions otherwise you won’t be able to face friends and family. The major reason to avoid this option is that it can ruin the relations very easily that’s why it is less preferable option among everyone.

Above given are popular types with pros and cons. The growth stage company funding and bank financing is also a reliable option. You can consider these types if any of the mentioned one work for you. Hope, this guide will pour light on the necessary factors that matter the most.



Investor Connect

Investor Connect is a community program. This is for investors interested in learning about investing in startup and growth stage companies.