4 min readDec 8, 2023


What is PACTUS?

Pactus is built on the principle that a fair and transparent system can only be achieved through decentralization. Unlike many other blockchain platforms, Pactus aims to eliminate the potential for centralization and manipulation by removing the need for delegation and miners. This allows anyone to become a part of the ecosystem and ensures that the platform remains truly decentralized.

Why run a validator node?

By running a validator node, it means that you’re “Pactus-aligned” and a decentralization knight. Besides that, validators of the Pactus network are going to earn $Pac, the native coin of the Pactus blockchain which will be converted to mainnet at mainnet launch.

In this guide I’ll show you how to run a Pactus node on a linux server (VPS or on your personal computer).

The steps will be similar if not the same for both running a validator node on a VPS server and a linux system.

If you’re on windows and want to run an ubuntu server on your pc, go to “microsoft store” and search for “ubuntu” and install it.

Once you’ve installed it you can follow along with the tutorial.

Step1: If you’re using a VPS, I’d recommend using a service like solar-putty to login to your server and host your node. If you don’t already have a VPS server, I’d recommend you buy a server from services like contabo etc, any VPS service will work contabo is just an example.


Now that you’ve bought your VPSserver, the next step will be logging into your server inorder to host the node. To login, you open solar-putty and follow these steps:

Step 1:

Click on “create new session”,

this will open up a new window for you in the app where you can enter your login credentials.


Next fill up the form with your credentials , in SESSION NAME: write “Pactus”, CREDENTIALS NAME: is also Pactus then enter your username, ip address or hostname and password which you copied from the server you bought and click on create and you’ll be logged into your VPS server.

It should look like this, if you encounter any errors feel free to ask in the Pactus discord server .


Now that you have your terminal ready, copy and paste the following commands into the terminal and press ENTER.

1. sudo apt-get install curl
2. sudo apt install screen
3. sudo apt install ufw
4. sudo apt update
5. curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSL  https://github.com/pactus-project/pactus/releases/download/v0.17.0/pactus_downloader.sh | sh

6. sudo ufw allow 21777
7. screen -dmS pactus && screen -r pactus
8. cd pactus-cli_0.17.0
9. ./pactus-daemon init

Initializes the daemon and creates Pactus directory. Follow on screen prompts then start the node with the command it provides.

You can now detach from session with.

ctrl + a + d

Detach just means leave the screen running in the background
and disconnect from session.

To re-attach use.

screen -r pactus

If you already initialized Pactus node and just want to restart the node after “screen -r pactus” use this command:

./pactus-daemon start

and don’t forget to use

ctrl + a + d

again to detach from session.

For more info https://pactus.org/user-guides/run-pactus-cli/


To become a validator and earn rewards you need to stake some coins https://pactus.org/user-guides/use-wallet-cli/ .

Now join the discord server if you have not joined already, copy first validator address and request for faucet coins from discord with this message.

faucet [your wallet address] 
for example, faucet tpc1zv6x00epl8cpxhs37syrjn2jtuvpp55spvxnq00

You can check the balance of the address with the following command on the terminal,

./pactus-wallet --path ~/pactus/wallets/default_wallet address balance <ADDRESS>

for example, ./pactus-wallet --path ~/pactus/wallets/default_wallet address balance tpc1zv6x00epl8cpxhs37syrjn2jtuvpp55spvxnq00

if it shows balance 0. stake 100 you’re good to go.

Congrats, you’re now a Pactus validator and will begin earning rewards you can start earning rewards now. For more please visit

join us on discord, follow our twitter, like and repost our posts and stay tuned:
