How to Fix Unreal Engine 5.1.1 Bugs: A Quick Guide

3 min readSep 7, 2023


How to Fix Unreal Engine 5.1.1 Bugs — InvoGames

Unreal Engine is a powerful tool for game development, but like any complex software, it can sometimes encounter bugs and issues. If you’re facing problems with Unreal Engine 5.1.1, fear not — this guide will walk you through common bugs and their solutions to help you get back on track.

Understanding Unreal Engine 5.1.1 Bugs

Before diving into fixes, it’s essential to understand that bugs can arise from various factors: software conflicts, hardware issues, or even specific project settings. Identifying the root cause is crucial for efficient troubleshooting.

Bug #1: Crashes on Startup

Potential Solutions

  1. Update Graphics Drivers: Outdated graphics drivers can lead to crashes. Ensure your GPU drivers are up-to-date.
  2. Check Project Files: Corrupted project files can trigger crashes. Try creating a new project and importing assets to see if the problem persists.
  3. Verify Hardware Compatibility: Unreal Engine 5.1.1 might have specific hardware requirements. Check if your system meets them.

Bug #2: Performance Drops

Potential Solutions

  1. Optimize Assets: Large or unoptimized assets can cause performance drops. Use Unreal Engine’s built-in optimization tools to streamline your project.
  2. Adjust Graphics Settings: Lower graphics settings in the Engine to improve performance. Experiment with different settings to find the right balance between quality and performance.
  3. Check Resource Usage: Monitor your system’s resource usage. Other applications running in the background could be affecting Unreal Engine’s performance.

Bug #3: Unreal Editor Freezes

Potential Solutions

  1. Clear Cache: Accumulated cache can lead to freezing. Navigate to the Engine’s cache folder and clear its contents.
  2. Disable Plugins: Faulty or incompatible plugins might be causing the freeze. Temporarily disable plugins and check if the issue persists.
  3. Allocate More Memory: Unreal Editor might freeze due to insufficient memory allocation. Adjust the memory limits in the Engine’s settings.

Bug #4: Inconsistent Lighting

Potential Solutions

  1. Rebuild Lighting: If lighting appears inconsistent, rebuild the lighting for your scene. This can often solve lighting-related issues.
  2. Check Lightmap UVs: Incorrect or overlapping UVs can lead to lighting problems. Ensure your models have proper UV layouts.
  3. Adjust Post-Process Effects: Some post-process effects can affect lighting. Experiment with different post-process settings to achieve the desired lighting outcome.

Bug #5: Asset Import Errors

Potential Solutions

  1. File Format Compatibility: Make sure your assets are in a compatible format for Unreal Engine. Some formats might not import correctly.
  2. Update Software: Ensure that the software you used to create assets is up-to-date. Newer versions might offer better compatibility.
  3. Check File Paths: If assets are not importing correctly, check for file path issues. Avoid using special characters or long file paths.

Preventing Future Issues

Tips for a Smooth Experience

  1. Regular Updates: Keep Unreal Engine and all related software updated to access bug fixes and new features.
  2. Backup Projects: Regularly backup your projects to avoid losing progress due to unexpected bugs or crashes.
  3. Documentation and Community: Utilize Unreal Engine’s extensive documentation and online community forums. You’re likely not alone in facing an issue.

When to Seek Professional Help

Remember, while these solutions can resolve many common bugs, some issues might require specialized expertise. If you’re unable to fix a bug despite trying various solutions, consider reaching out to Unreal Engine’s support or seeking help from experienced developers.


Unreal Engine 5.1.1 is a powerful tool that can empower your game development journey, but encountering bugs is not uncommon. By understanding the root causes of issues and following the suggested solutions, you can navigate through these challenges and continue creating amazing games with minimal disruptions. Stay persistent, and remember that the world of game development is full of solutions waiting to be discovered.




InvoGames is a Game and Metaverse Development Company that brings together the best minds in the industry to deliver result-oriented solutions to its clients.