The importance of content marketing for small businesses

I.N.V.T Content studio
3 min readNov 29, 2019


People talk a lot about content marketing these days. It has become an important buzzword in business talk, but do you really understand why is content marketing so important for your business?

I bet the first thing that comes to your mind when someone mentions content marketing is a blog or maybe social media. Even if you’re not so far from the truth, content marketing means far more than that.

“ Content marketing is a long-term strategy that uses content ( in different formats ) to build a stronger relationship with your audience, capture their attention and improve engagement.”

Or, explained in simple words means content marketing represents a strategic creation of text, imagery, audio or video that delivers a relevant and interesting message to your existing or future customers that move them through your sales funnel.

Content marketing — A bridge between your business and your audience

Your audience is made of people who are at a lot of different stages in how they are connected with your company. This audience includes people who are already your customers, people that are leads and people that have interest but are not quite ready to buy your products or services.

Your content marketing strategy has to do something for that audience, to move them in some way.

The most important thing that you must be aware of is if you want to move your audience you must first earn their attention.

Does content marketing work for small businesses

We all know large brands that keep pushing their amazing content to their every day growing audiences. It’s easy to speak about the benefits of content marketing looking at those big brands as an example. These businesses have deep pockets and major resources to invest in producing quality content.

Let’s look at these statistics:

· 60% of people are inspired to seek out a product after reading content about it;

· 44% ignore direct mail;

· 91% of email users unsubscribe from company emails;

· 86% of people skip TV adverts

and the most important number of

· 70% of people that would rather learn about a company through articles rather than an advert.

I’m sure that these big numbers show the importance of content marketing for any business no matter the size of the company.

Content marketing is about connecting

While you run your business, you connect with people. The Internet made these connections to become globally available for any type of business. By developing the right content marketing strategy you get the same access to a customer as companies that are much bigger than you.

When you have an audience, you earn their attention, build trust so they can see you as an authority and in the end see the main benefit of your content marketing strategy: When your audience has a problem, they come to you to solve it.

Connecting doesn’t mean only the connections that your business will develop with your customers or audience, it also means that customers can connect between themselves.

These connections lead to recommending your business to other customers.

That is why your audience is important for your business and why content marketing can really work for your business if you do it right.


Every business can see the benefits of connecting and engaging with its customers. Content marketing matters to your audience, its something they actively search for and it doesn’t cost a lot. So, create good content and be their reliable source of information, because:


Curious how content marketing could help your organization reach its marketing goals? Visit our website and schedule a consultation.



I.N.V.T Content studio

We help small businesses and startup companies find their voice, tell their unique stories, and become a new venue of content innovation.