Inyeneobong Clowes
16 min readJun 25, 2022

Solve.Care AMA RECAP with Lemmatron

Solve.Care just had a stellar AMA over at Lemmatron on 16th of June at 12pm UTC. Solve.Care very own Community and Partnership Specialist, Karèn Gioulizarov, took a star role in the event.

The news was simply too great to keep to ourselves, so below you’ll find some of the best questions and answers that we had during the AMA that will hopefully whet your appetites for all the goodies SolveCare has in store.


Vivi: Hello and welcome everyone to the “AMA by Lemmatron” where we bridge innovators and enthusiasts to share ideas, concepts, tools, and projects that shape the future for the better. I am your host Vivi from Lemmatron.

Today we will be joined by Karèn Gioulizarov, Community and Partnership Specialist from SolveCare, live from the beautiful Netherlands. SolveCare is a global healthcare blockchain technology company that is building a patient-centric platform, one that actually connects people, and coordinates benefits, care, and payments.

Karèn Gulizarov: Hi everyone. Happy to be here.

Vivi: Before moving further, just a quick reminder that we have a $100 giveaway in SOLVE tokens. Be sure to stick with us as we announce the winners by the end of this AMA session.

Karèn Gulizarov: Looking forward to today's AMA!

Vivi: Likewise. Now without any further delay, everyone please welcome Karen! Karen, great to have you here. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you became a part of Solve.Care?

Karèn Gulizarov: With pleasure! I’m Karèn Gioulizarov, Community & Partnership specialist at Solve.Care, and am based in the Netherlands. I have a background in the Digital Currency field and extensive experience with high-profile clients through my prior experience in the banking sector.

I’ve joined the company in March 2021 after a good friend introduced me to Solve.Care – I immediately fell in love with its vision. My current focus is on ensuring that Solve.Care gains visibility and recognition in the digital currency space and am tasked with further developing the existing global Solve.Care community.

Vivi: That's great, thank you for that brilliant introduction. For us crypto enthusiasts, blockchain and healthcare are not the terms we hear very often together. Could you shed more light on what Solve.Care is?

Karèn Gulizarov: Sure! Solve.Care is a full-fledged healthcare platform company that uses blockchain to redefine care coordination, improve access to care, reduce benefits administration costs, and help reduce fraud and waste in healthcare around the world. The Solve.Care Platform allows for interoperable digital health networks, called Care Networks, to be built and run for patient-centric care based on medical conditions, economic and social needs, and other tailored eligibility criteria, creating an entire healthcare ecosystem. Using the Solve.Care Platform, businesses are able to launch networked, interoperable healthcare dApps, within weeks or even days.

Solve.Care is also the first company in the world to successfully deploy digital currency and blockchain technology for value-based payments in healthcare. Solve.Care is a multiple award-winning company, receiving accolades such as ‘Most Innovative Blockchain Project Award’ at the Blockchain Life 2019 Forum, ‘Top Innovative Blockchain Solution’ and ‘Top Outstanding Project’ at the 2019 World Blockchain Awards, BRI’s ‘Industry Solution of the Year 2020’, SSOW Impact Awards’ ‘Technology of the Year 2020’, and more.

Vivi: What makes Solve.Care unique? What makes you different from other crypto projects?

Karèn Gulizarov: Great question!
First, unlike a lot of start up projects in the crypto space, Solve.Care is a full-fledged company. We are a healthcare IT company, full of healthcare professionals with decades of experience and connections. The core Solve.Care team contains over 100 full-time specialists, working worldwide, with hundreds of contractors and advisors. Our CEO Pradeep Goel, has more than 27 years of experience in healthcare, finance and technology has run successful healthcare IT companies for decades, also he was working with multiple US presidents in his career. Our leadership team has extensive domain expertise in healthcare and IT as well.

Second, Solve.Care was not drawn to blockchain due to hype but due to the technology that brings viable and valuable solutions to healthcare. This is a company that has lived in healthcare IT for a long time and understands exactly what distributed ledgers can do for healthcare administration.
Solve.Care is steadily building a platform that will connect companies, hospitals, governments and patients from all over the world. We have already achieved an incredible amount, launching multiple solutions direct to hospitals, making major partners such as the largest private pharmaceutical company in the world, Boehringer Ingelheim and much more. We have constant demand for our product because institutions can see real economic value.

Third, we have already achieved real world adoption and continue to grow it! We have partnered with hospitals in Arizona, pediatric centers in Florida, massive insurance company AON, pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim,charter schools in California, and more who are using our B2B products. We’ve also launched the first crypto-enabled store for healthcare devices, where people can buy healthcare and medical devices with SOLVE.

The list of our utility and adoption continues to grow and we couldn’t be more proud of what we have accomplished so far.

Vivi: It's indeed a very innovative and intriguing project, thank you for sharing that. Solve.Care launched a crypto-enabled store for healthcare devices. Can you tell us more about this project?

Karèn Gulizarov: Care.Marketplace is the first-ever cryptocurrency-enabled store dedicated to healthcare. Crypto-users can now purchase healthcare and medical devices using SOLVE token. This brings real SOLVE token adoption into homes, allowing people to purchase critical home-health monitoring devices. It’s a great achievement for both crypto and healthcare industries.

These initial devices that we are offering are blood pressure monitors and heart-rate monitor devices, it’s just the start! We are currently in discussions with many of our other prospective partners and are looking forward to updating our community in due time once these devices will be available in the Care.Marketplace in the future.

Care.Marketplace is just one item of the very many components in the Solve.Care strategy of redefining how healthcare will be accessed and paid for, all using the SOLVE token. Care.Marketplace will expand, not just to more devices with greater functionality, but also to sell Care.Cards that anyone can author using Care.Protocol in Care.Labs. We’ve launched a contest in celebration of this achievement, and you still have time to participate here and earn your share of the 10,000 SOLVE reward pool (Link =

Care.Marketplace is also the perfect place to buy a healthcare gift for Father's Day this year using SOLVE tokens.

Vivi: Everyone, please check out the link above!!
This is all very exciting! Does your platform allow others to build their own networks?

Karèn Gulizarov: It is our plan that anyone with an interest to make healthcare work better will have access to our Care.Labs portal to build their own Care Networks. Our goal is to make building healthcare dApps easy – to the extent that anyone without any programming knowledge can get started building Care Networks.

We have a Care Network authoring portal that is specifically geared towards physicians and like-minded individuals who have a passion for changing healthcare for the better. You can sign up at and start authoring decentralized Care Networks using Care.Protocol – without any prior programming knowledge.

To start building your own Care Network, all one needs to do is to imagine an ideal digital ecosystem, the roles of each stakeholder in it, and events/interactions you want to establish between them. Right now, you can visit our quick start page on the Care.Labs developers portal to get started, learn the basics, and start playing in our sandbox. You can also always contact for any assistance or queries they may have.

Vivi: Sounds very interesting Karèn, Can you tell us more about your clients and partners?

Karèn Gulizarov: Of course I can! Solve.Care has many clients, service partners, development partners, and growth partners.

Here’s a nice overview: Since 2017, Solve.Care has rapidly evolved and grown exponentially as more and more people realize the value of blockchain in disrupting healthcare. We’re at a crossroads of a decisive shift in how insurers, healthcare organizations, government agencies, individuals, and others envision healthcare can be coordinated, managed and paid for, both in the US and globally. Boehringer Ingelheim, Lyft, Uber Health, AliveCor, Omron, and many others sought us out as clients and partners, recognizing the value we bring to their organization and their members. And we have quite a few more exciting partnership announcements lined-up in the coming months!

Vivi: Wow, thank you. Very excited to see who is joining you. Is there already real-world use-case for Solve.Care’s platform?

Karèn Gulizarov: Yes! Our platform was not just designed to attract clients but built alongside clients to ensure our product fit was exactly what the industry needs. While partnerships are great for growth, our clients are what bring real-world adoption to our platform. Here are some of our clients that actually utilize our platform in the real-world – and there are many more to come!

• Arizona Care Network: they utilize the Solve.Care platform with a product called Provider Rewards Network.
• Boehringer Ingelheim: We developed the Diabetes Care Network and work with them to continue to add more features and tools to our platform.
• Aon PLC: Using our Team.Care solution to help ensure the safety of their employees.
• Angel Kids Pediatrics: Utilizing Team.Care
• Collaborative Charter Services: Utilizing Team.Care.

We have already achieved real-world adoption and continue to expand!

Vivi: From a general individual's perspective, how is using your product different from the present online appointment system?

Karèn Gulizarov: Love the questions so far!
We don’t offer one more single-purpose app for you to download. Solve.Care is an administrative platform. We give healthcare stakeholders a unique opportunity to build their own Care Networks, connecting and synchronizing their participants, making instant payments inside their network, and sharing information immediately to reduce opportunities for fraud.

On top of the platform, they use the multi-purpose Care.Wallet app and Care.Cards. Care.Wallet is an organizer that will stay with users through their life journey, no matter who sponsors or facilitates their health routine. Our objective is to deliver better healthcare experience and results at the lowest possible cost to both individuals and groups.

Vivi: Thank you for that. In all of the things Solve.Care is working in, how valuable do you think the role of the community is from your personal experience?

Karèn Gulizarov: Community support, leadership, and interaction is of utmost importance to us. Our community is very diverse and ranges from medical professionals to crypto enthusiasts and developers - and everything in between! We are always exploring ways to increase engagement among our existing community members and attract more people as well. We regularly host AMAs and live sessions, run community contests, spotlight the community member of the month, launched a loyalty program for community, and more.

We also have an Ambassadors Program aimed to find like-minded individuals who want to aid us in spreading the word and educating their local communities about Solve.Care. We’ve already found many awesome ambassadors, and we are looking for more people in Latin America, India, Turkey and China. You can read more about the program here:

We want to reach out and tell the world about the potential of the Solve.Care platform and we want people who believe in our mission to be a part of it. It’s a unique opportunity to really get involved and become part of the Solve.Care inner circle. If you are passionate and enthusiastic about crypto, Solve.Care, and its mission, this is definitely for you - be on the front lines of bringing about real blockchain and crypto utilization!

Vivi: Awesome! and also I think very informative in all your answers. Very excited for the community and the team. We are now heading over to the questions from the Twitter community.


Vivi: First we have a question from Alqa. Why do you think Blockchain is needed inthe Health sector? What changes andinnovations does SolveCare bring to the Blockchain space?

Karèn Gulizarov: Starting off with an excellent question.

Everyone who has had to deal with the healthcare system, no matter where you are in the world, has experienced the various inefficiencies in the current systems. We expect to create major cost savings by facilitating authorized peer-to-peer transactions that delegate authority to individual stakeholders while empowering payers regarding cost control and oversight. Utilizing blockchain technology, we radically reduce the unacceptable administrative burden placed on healthcare providers and enhance the care experience of individuals.Our protocol is based on entity pair relationships bound to a smart contract on the Blockchain. All relevant events are recorded and coordinated and then delivered to the right party, exactly when needed.

Our vision is to build a platform that is global, usable by everyone but is configured to their needs via care networks. Our platform design is incredibly powerful because it assumes that every Care Network interacts with every other Care Network. This means that we solve the interoperability problem along with data security problem along with payment problem. Nobody has attempted something this bold and we are closer than everybody else to achieve it. So our core value proposition is that you can launch a network that is automatically decentralized, tokenized but most importantly interoperable with every other network on the platform.

Vivi: Thank you for a great question and a great answer! Next we have a question from Andy,
What is SOLVE used for? Can we use it as a payment method for paying healthcare services?

Karèn Gulizarov: The SOLVE token is the utility token for the Solve.Care Platform. This token is used as a global payment system on the Solve.Care Platform and creates a unique ecosystem between healthcare providers, developers, government programs, B2B clients, and patients. SOLVE is the gas of the platform and is used for every healthcare transaction on the platform and in every Care Network. SOLVE has a unique characteristic where the value of the token can be fixed, as well as being variable.

These are the ways the SOLVE token is used on the platform:
1. Establish identity
2. Transaction in a Care Network
3. To make a payment in a Care Network
4. To share data between network participants or across networks
5. To give and request consent
6. License fees
7. Gas fees
8. Revenue from the Care.Marketplace
9. Royalty fees
10. Staking mechanism (or for collateral)

SOLVE helps to normalize payments across the countries, currencies, time zones and eliminates fees.

The SOLVE token has a unique property of being able to function inside the Network either as a variable value token or as a fixed value token (as a stable coin). This property makes it uniquely powerful and appropriate for healthcare usage.

Vivi: Next we have a question from Adjos, Where did you get the idea of creating your business? In other words, why in this area?

Karèn Gulizarov: The idea for Solve.Care stemmed from a number of challenging experiences that our CEO, Pradeep Goel, had with the US healthcare system. As the parent of a young child with a neurological disorder who is in need of continuous care, his experiences compelled him to change the current system as it is. Through his regular contact with healthcare practitioners, Pradeep developed a passion for quality patient care, with the goal of removing inefficiencies that are plaguing the healthcare system.

Our underlying goal is that every man, woman, and child who needs healthcare at some point of their lives will be able and will want to use Care.Wallet to take care of the needs when they arise. We want to make your healthcare experience as easy and effective as possible for you, me, our parents, and children.

We are focused on managing healthcare data as an asset that is in 100% control of the asset owner, regardless of data location. So, all data is encrypted not just in flight and at rest, but also in terms of control over it. And since data is isolated into nodes, each node would have to be hacked individually and at worst if a node is successfully hacked (at considerable computing cost) only the data from that node would be at risk. There are of course other areas of vulnerability in computing that we need to always worry about. We are and will keep updating techniques to protect data because the threat is always evolving.

Our CEO has decades of experience creating healthcare IT companies and knows very well of the importance of security. We have chosen to use the Ethereum network due to its longevity and track record. Currently we use a hierarchy of blockchains to keep data secure and avoid the pitfalls of congestion on the network. We are always keeping an eye on changes in blockchain technology.

Vivi: Thank you. The next question is from Dila. How fast do you think the digital Healthcare market can grow in the coming years.?

Karèn Gulizarov: Healthcare is a massive opportunity that dwarfs everything else in the world – healthcare represents 8,800 Billion a year in expenses, worldwide. Healthcare is a very complex industry and is ripe for a trustless system. Every single activity in healthcare requires coordination between parties who don’t like or trust each other. The global digital health market size was valued at USD 175.6 billion in 2021 is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27.7% from 2022 to 2030.

The global blockchain technology in healthcare market size is anticipated to reach USD 126 billion by 2030. If Solve.Care captures even a fraction of this market share, SOLVE will become a top 10 digital token.

Vivi: Very nice! Next question from Elza,The solve care team went to help Ukraine in the war to Russia, my question is how the help the solve care team in Ukraine. In terms of what?

Karèn Gulizarov: At Solve.Care, we are naturally concerned for the safety and wellbeing of our colleagues who are in Ukraine. We would like to stress that our team members remain safe in Western Ukraine, and many have been evacuated to neighboring countries according to a detailed contingency plan. Solve.Care is a global company with teams in many different countries. Pradeep, our CEO, has also addressed the whole Solve.Care team around the world to remain calm and focused on our duties and tasks, as we have a commitment to our community to ensure that the Solve.Care business is not interrupted.

• The Solve.Care team that is currently in Ukraine are converting gyms, schools, churches, and government buildings into safe shelters, Care Shelters, for displaced families fleeing from the war. Up to now we have already converted 10 Care Shelters with a total of over 1000 beds.
• We are providing basic necessities such as safe sleeping space, food, blankets, beds, and personal hygiene products.
• The Solve.Care team has also set up a supply chain to bring in supplies from Poland, Romania, and Hungary.

You can help by contributing at or you can contact us at

We have also launched a very special NFT collection of Ukrainian children’s drawings on OpenSea. The drawings in this collection were done by both, displaced children who have taken refuge in the Care Shelters, and the school children of the communities where the Care Shelters have been set up. All funds generated by selling these NFTs will go straight back into the Care Shelters to ensure that they are able to continue providing the basic necessities to the displaced individuals and families. You can find the collection on OpenSea:

Vivi: Thank you for sharing that, such great work being carried out by your team. The next question is from Tati, With the current market which is in total
decline, I would like to know if this has an impact on your business and what measures are you taking to reassure holders more?

Karèn Gulizarov: There are very exciting developments and opportunities for Solve.Care in the pipeline, which are not impacted by market fluctuations – we are moving full speed ahead without any delays, despite the short-term market conditions. Ultimately adoption is what matters most; bringing Care.Wallet into the hands of every man, woman and child in the world!

Vivi: Next from Fatrio, What is the correlation between crypto and healthcare in the future?

Karèn Gulizarov: Blockchain is used as the distributed ledger for all Care.Events that take place between patient, doctor, pharmacy, laboratory, insurer and other parties. Solve.Care platform delegates authority to the patient and provider, resulting in decentralized administration of healthcare services. We use Blockchain to issue intelligent payment tokens that accelerate the healthcare payment cycle, saving time and reducing costs.

We’re very focused on changing the building blocks of healthcare, not just a piece of the problem. We are building the entire new, open, interoperable, tokenized framework where patient owns their slice of the web and along with it, redefines everything we know about healthcare. What we are doing is hard, but it is not impossible. And we are further ahead than everyone else, even those withl billions in the bank. I think it is inevitable that SOLVE will be the de facto healthcare currency and that we will be a top 10 digital token. Healthcare touches everyone and as a result SOLVE token and Solve.Care platform will impact everyone.

Vivi: Thank you for that. The next question is from Ade. What strategy will you implement to bring non-crypto-natives into your ecosystem? How do you keep a balance between developing the technology and also improving the value of $SOLVE token?

Karèn Gulizarov: Very good question! Our goal is to make Solve.Care a global platform, one that removes any and all obstacles to quality healthcare. We see a future in which the Care.Wallet will be used by insurers, hospitals, big businesses and governments – in sum, everyone, no matter who or where, whether in the United States, China or Nigeria. With our SOLVE token, everyone will be able to access and pay for healthcare in a meaningful way. Solve.Care platform is built to be expanded by our community, which we believe will be the true force behind the transformation of healthcare around the world. Community members will be able to design and build Care.Cards relevant to either a particular region or need, adapt our platform to local markets, and, all the while, increase Solve.Care brand awareness. We have a very strong belief that we are building a community of people that can benefit from what we do collectively in the long-term and change the world for the better.

Vivi: So, on to our last question of the day from Prisca. What are the most important and immediate goals for your project in the next 12 months?

Karèn Gulizarov: We have many ambitious goals for 2022 and beyond. Our main goal for this year is to launch a version of our platform that allows for proper authoring of cards, journeys and networks. If the networks are authored not coded, are tokenized and are interoperable then we have delivered a game changing platform that any CIO of any health/insurance/government agency/pharmaceutical company will find the platform irresistable. And SOLVE utility will go through the roof and bring us into top 10 token lists everywhere. Because healthcare transactions and spending exceeds all other sectors in the world.

We will also continue to develop the SOLVE token ecosystem, bringing more partners and trading platforms to make SOLVE more accessible for everyone. And we expect and plan numerous Care.Networks to be built by doctors and developers through Care.Labs.

We have clear goals and plans on how to reach them!

Vivi: And that was our final question. Hope we covered a lot of the questions and if anyone wants to learn more, you can visit and join their official community channels for the best experience.

It was lovely talking to you Karèn and we wish you and the SolveCare team all the best.

Karèn Gulizarov: Thank you Lemmatron for hosting today’s AMA session, and many thanks to those who submitted these interesting questions! I would like to invite everyone to join our official Telegram channel, , to have a chat with our wonderful and diverse community. I’ve had a lot of fun! You are an amazing community!

Inyeneobong Clowes

Content Writer, Graphic Designer, Video Editor, Brand Ambassador, Crypto Ambassador, Crypto Analyst and Crypto Enthusiast.