Edgar Romero
Sep 28, 2022

Unique Essence

Rare Presence

Photo by Jairo Alzate on Unsplash

Your own beauty gleams with radiance.

Light shines through your skin that can’t be compared.

Beauty is so much more than just physical.

You are much more than just physical.

Beauty is joined by your personality with honesty.

Aura is captivating when you let go of control.

Your own creation of style makes an artist.

Being you captures memories that others won’t forget.

All the experiences that you been through, is a hidden book in a library that needs to be read.

Your own design can’t be found elsewhere.

Beauty comes with so much mystery, sight won’t be the only sense to capture it.

Beauty comes in forms of energies that are expressed differently.

Expectations are shattered.

You have beauty in your own unique presence.

By Ivan Botha on Unsplash