How personal and professional struggles affect our brains differently

Ioana Boldea
2 min readFeb 19, 2018


I’m here to talk about something less conventional, struggles. We all have them yet we address them differently. I am personally all into hustling, fighting your fears and challenging your limitations. There is so much good material out there to inspire us and keep us going forward, check out Gary Vee’s content, he’s running VaynerMedia and so much more. First time I listened to one of his videos, I was almost annoyed that someone would be shouting to me through a screen on Monday mornings and tell me to ‘go for it’, I was not ready to hear it. In time, my mindset (thankfully) turned around and I started to get and apply what he’s saying. I managed to meet and hug him in Amsterdam a while ago, I volunteered at a conference to get in, TNW here’s looking at you. I watched him be awesome, then give so much back and be kind to everyone there, thousands of people attended the conference. His patience and kindness was something I took with me further. I still listen to him but I stopped needing to, I think this is why he does what he does in the end. There are many other great entrepreneurs sharing good content and helping others achieve their dreams, let me know who you think adds real value out there. Not all of us take their lessons and advice or apply them, not everyone is ready to learn that way, to jump ahead. Then how about the ones dealing with anxiety, depression or any other invisible forces.

We talk so much about the hustle lately and we know how it works but how often do we think about the ones who are caught up in their own minds, when their biggest enemies become themselves and while they are aware of what keeps them from your dreams, they cannot seem to break that force. I got inspired when I read a piece NY based entrepreneur Jason Saltzman wrote about dealing with his anxiety, I realised there are many successful and aspiring individuals who battle invisible forces each day. Shouldn’t we talk about that more? As much as we talk about success stories. We can make a difference by starting a conversation, by normalising the issues, so more people would get support in their struggles. It helps to know you are not alone and that you can fight this, only that different methods apply.

I’d love to discuss this further with the ones of you who want to make a difference and help others break their barriers for success, it starts with choices and focused decisions. I believe our minds are all trainable, then again I want to understand more about the brains who battle invisible forces.

Join the conversation and hit me up; also I much appreciate your feedback, this is my first piece here and written in one go, I know.. go easy on me and also help me grow constructively so I can share better.





Ioana Boldea

Visionary | Transformer | Obsessed with consumer behavior | Where marketing is headed | Founded | 'Failed' | Learned | Grew | All about startups