Ionic SZN2

Airdrop 1, SZN2, New Horizons, More Rewards, UP ONLY

4 min readMay 16, 2024


First things first — we would like to thank our IONised community for the die hard loyalty and determination, our vision would not be completed without you!

Apes together strong.

In the span of 5 months, Ionic has become the #1 Money Market on Mode Network, unlocking liquidity for more than 100k+ users, while supporting all the major yield-bearing assets on Mode.

We believe in DeFi money legos and the only way to achieve the highest yields is through ultimate capital efficiency at every level, especially with the yield-bearing assets and multi-layered yield strategies. The ultimate goal of $ION is not only to achieve decentralization and allow the community to control the protocol but also to allow every stakeholder to directly benefit from the growth of the protocol and those more complex yield startegies the protocol allows for.

All the pieces and mechanisms are being planned meticulously and placed sequentially to achieve this vision and build a strong foundation for Ionic to become a widely used Public Good product.

Now Let’s dive in.

The Airdrop SZN1

  • 30,000,000 $ION are allocated for Airdrop SZN1, with the snapshot taken on 15.05.
  • The Airdrop Eligibility check is now available at — and will be open until 30.05.Users will have 14 days to sign in for the distribution, and unclaimed tokens will be send back to the treasury and redistributed to loyal users over the course of several community initiatives and future incentive programs.
  • On 30.05, 16% of the total airdrop 1 will be distributed, and the rest of the allocation will be vested over the following 3 months.
  • We added a new Feature for our favorite adhd degens — the ability to “Instant Claim” (see details below). It’s based.
  • An additional 20,000,000 $ION are allocated for Airdrop SZN2, which starts on 15.05 and ends on 15.09, and YES! All your current holdings already receiving new points.
  • Users who participated in Airdrop SZN1 and continue to participate in Airdrop SZN2 will receive a significant multiplier. Mega Chads.
  • New pools and features will generate Ionic points — stay tuned for additional multipliers and incentive announcements on our twitter with Notifications ON!
  • Alpha Leak: Ionic goes Multi-Chain

The Ionic Token

Ticker: $ION

CA: 0x18470019bf0e94611f15852f7e93cf5d65bc34ca

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000

Initial Circulating Supply: 19,000,000

With a meticulously designed tokenomics model, Ionic aims for robust and long-lasting growth, cultivating exemplary conduct among all DeFi participants for the collective benefit of every stakeholder.

Exact details with in-depth overview of token mechanics will be shared at a later stage as we are still polishing specific aspects and longevity models of the token utility. Ultimately we seek to turn Ionic into an uncensorable powerhouse for all uses with predictable, stable high yields.

We are on a very promising path to delivering exactly that.


  • Governance
  • Fee share
  • Liquidity Management

$ION Distribution

Users can check their $ION eligibility and allocation at, once you sign in with your wallet, you are registered for the first tranche that will be sent out on 30th of May. The rest of the tokens will be vested for 3 months. Nothing else is required from your side.

Instant Claim

Once the first tranche is sent out, the Instant Claim page will allow users to instantly claim their remaining vested tokens, albeit with a penalty. Starting with a 75% penalty to unlock day 0, it decays linearly to a 10% penalty over the vesting period of 3 months (August 30th 2024).

We recommend all users to patiently trust the process rather than rage quit, we’r cooking in the lab and it do be smelling gucci so far ngl.

All slashed tokens will be distributed among those who vested for the whole duration. Giga Chads.

The Airdrop SZN2

The second airdrop season is designed to reward those who contribute to the growth of the protocol and the $ION token, which includes but is not limited to market supply, $ION liquidity provision on Velodrome, bootstrapping new features, and more.

Current Ionic users are already earning new season 2 points, from 15th of May. Yes, you’r still printing.

SZN2 points earning activities:

  • Supply&Borrow on Mode Main Market
  • Supply&Borrow on Mode Native Market
  • Provide liquidity for ION/WETH LP and Stake your LP tokens on Velodrome
  • Provide liquidity to ionUSDC/ionUSDT (Earn Page)

Point Multipliers:*

  • x1.5 on any asset supplied (USDC, USDT, etc.)
  • x2 on any yield-bearing asset supply (LRTs, LSTs, etc.)
  • x2.5 on any borrow
  • x3 on ION/WETH LP stakers on Velodrome
  • x3 on MODE supply in the Native Market (BIG IF TRUE.)

+ Each market is earning x2 MODE points, and respective points from partner protocols (special point campaigns might apply, please check the UI for exact point multipliers per market).

Alpha Leak: New Super-Horizons

Starting from May 20th, Ionic is expanding to become a multi-chain app. Seeking to bring our vision and expertise to benefit others in the OP Superchain, we have partnered up with another major player in the collective. Key go-to-market partnerships are lined up, and announcements will be coming shortly!

This is just the beginning of our wide and broad multi-chain expansion. Stay Tuned as we conquer earth.

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Capital-efficient money market platform for optimal asset management on Mode Network.