5-morning routines that will change your life.

4 min readSep 25, 2018


5-morning routines that will change your life.

Every morning we are born again. What we do today matter most.

Hey my friend,

How are you doing? Hope you well, happy and keep going.

Is Ionutcoach here. This week I want to inspire and tell you more about the routines in general but mostly we will focus on the morning routines as those routines will influence your day.

I believe that more than 80% of what we do in a daily life is routine. We know exactly what to do, and we do it well! Don’t you?

Now let’s be honest there good routines and bad routines. What do you do every morning? And why you do what you do? How does it make you feel by doing so?

Let me ask you something personal: If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today? Don’t think! Just feel… yes or not? This kind of questions will help you to chose your healthy routines. The problem is that most of us we are not aware of what we really do every morning as we don’t think about it at all, we are to busy to think about the future or about yesterday and is very difficult to STOP, and stay in HERE and NOW, but there is good news, the more you practice the easier will become to stay in the present moment and to be aware of your daily routines and focus on creating powerful morning routines.

I started to work on myself and to join the personal development world when I was 22 years old, I did not believe anything about this ever will work, or make me a better person. What makes a difference was my curiosity to apply all the techniques and strategies every day, and slowly helped me to change my life for better, when from being bored and with no direction in life, I become a self-motivated person, with a direction in life, mission, vision, goals and dreams. What really helped me to make the changes were my morning and daily routines.

I want to share with you my top 5 routines that helped me to become the person I am today.

1. Keep a daily journal and write in the morning

This is one of my fevourite routine in the morning. I remember myself years ago, heart broke, and alone with no closest friends after I broke up with my ex, what helped me to overcome most was writing down my feelings and emotions. Since then I never gave up on writing and after more than 4 years of writing now I don’t write only for myself I write books and articles to inspire others like yourself. Start to write how you feel today, write what you will be doing today, who are you going to meet? What are you grateful for? And what did you learn today?

2. Wake up early between 5 and 7 am

This routine is so powerful. I remember myself years ago I challenged myself to wake up at 5 am. Was very hard and I could not do it for more than a month. I found out that 6 am works better for me. I try to go to sleep around 11:00 pm so 7 hours of sleep is ok. Every adult need between 7 and 9 hours of a good quality of sleep. Chose what hours work best for you, but push yourself to wake up early your energy will shift and you will have more time and will see the day from a different perspective. If you are a late morning person, try something new.

3. Workout before 9 am

A workout becomes now part of our daily life, everyone wants to stay fit and look good. Don’t you what that? The point is how many times you do it? They said there is a minimum of 3 sessions per week. Honestly I believe the best is to do 10/15 minutes every morning that will be more effective for your body as this a powerful morning routine to start to move the energy in your body and there is no need to wait for the next day to go to the gym or for a walk, try something new and train yourself in the morning not evening.

4. Read 10/15 minutes before 8 am

Reading in the morning is a must. This is another of my fevourite morning’s routines. Are you a reader? Why do you read? What do you read? Challenge your self to read even 10 minutes a day in the morning never before you go to bed.

5. Meditate as soon as you wake up.

Meditation is part of my daily life now, and I practice not only in the morning the first thing but even before I go to sleep. This routine helped me to become a calm person, to slow down, to release stress and to become focused on my inner world and discovering myself.

What are your morning routines? Do you have any? Let me know, I would love to learn from you. Let me know your thoughts about the article.

P.S did we connect on social yet? @ionutcoach is my name lets stay in touch. If you did non read my new brand book, check it out here: http://bit.ly/lldbook

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Remember always

Live. Love. Dream


Your inspirational friend.

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Here to serve|Author|Life Coach|Inspirational Speaker|Spiritual Mentor| Father|Blogger|Writer www.ionutcoach.com