7 simple steps to develop a spiritual mind in a materialistic world.

4 min readAug 27, 2018

Hey my friend,

How are you doing?

Ionut Coach here. Today I want to talk to you about the 7 steps to develop a spiritual mind.

At this time, many things are changing in the world. We live a time of awakening and desire to change, never seen before.

A lot of people become more conscious and aware of the issues and practices that have lasted for too long and that must change. Many people now want to take their lives back into their own hands and escape the model imposed by society in order to really know happiness and live the life they truly want to live — not one dictated by television, magazines, movies, social identifications and all kinds of meaningless clichés many now want to get away from.

On the other hand In this society, most of the people live too much in their minds and disconnected from what really matters in life. Do you know anyone personally? Or is maybe even you? Living your life every day thinking of your dream car, your perfect partner, the house on the beach and lots of money? Who doesn’t want all of this? And still, for most of us, all of this remain only dreams for the entire life.


Nowadays we become too materialistic and we focus only on what we can have and touch easy and quick and we forgot about the spiritual law of everything in life. This is the reason why most people do what they do for money only. What about you?

Since we were kids in school and family they thought us how to live life and what matters, obviously less focus and attention on the spiritual meaning in our lives and that’s why we lost that sense and sensitivity of being spiritual and feeling more we live our life on purpose.

Here you can find my 7 steps to develop a spiritual mind:

Step 1 — Practice meditation.

Whatever means for your meditation, you need it in your everyday routine. For example myself I do meditation two times a day. 5 minutes in the morning early and 5 minutes before I go to sleep. Meditation is so easy to do it. You can stay on silent, you can pray, you can imagine something, or simply you can do guided meditation is easy if you are just about to start. Keep going. Practice. Practice. Practice, they said that is the mother of skills.

Step 2 — Keep a daily journal.

Believe it or not this practice saved my life so many times. I started to write in July 2014 since then I never stopped. You don’t need to be a professional writer to put your thoughts on the paper or to empty your mind from your worries and stress. What I love about writing is that you can easily connect your mind with your heart. Don’t believe me. Try it and let me know how was.

Step 3 — Read daily.

Readers are leaders some of my friends said. I started to read when I was 17 years old since that age I never stop. I read every day a minimum of half an hour or more. Reading opens your mind, makes you more aware, brings your focus to the present moment and you can feel you are alive in HERE and NOW. Read a book a month if you can’t read a book a week like me. I use to say if I can do it, so my friend you can do it too.

Step 4 — Travel

Explore new horizons, new places, meet new people, try new food, all these experiences will help you to grow so much and mainly spiritually as you will open your mind and your heart more. I started to travel at the age of 14, after that day I never stop travelling around the world. Where is your favourite place for a holiday?

Step 5- Dance

No matter your age, culture, or something else. Everyone can be a great dancer. I love dancing and helps me a lot on my spiritual growth. Dancing is one of the best ways to develop and express yourself freely. Try next party. Are you ready? Whats your move?

Step 6- Physical exercise.

Sport is so important for our body and obviously to our mind. Practising any sport on regular basis will increase so much your level of awareness and will help you to become more spiritual. It could be anything. Swimming, running, gym, tennis, or cycling. Do it at least 3 times a week. Are you ready?

Step 7- Wake up early.

This is one of the most difficult and at the same time as the most efficient and productive. I love waking up before 6 am. What about you? When you wake up early all game will change. You will have more energy and time. You will feel much better and you will be more aware will help you to stay focus on this that matte during your day. From tomorrow put your alarm from 6 am and let me know how was it.

Start to practice every step I shared with you and in one week time let me know how was for you. I would love to hear from you. If you practice my steps on a regular basis for sure you will develop a spiritual and healthy mind to help you to succeed in life and business.

P.S Remember to sign up my mailing list for weekly inspiration, motivations, live events, life coaching and much more.

Enjoy and share to inspire.


Love and blessing always.


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Here to serve|Author|Life Coach|Inspirational Speaker|Spiritual Mentor| Father|Blogger|Writer www.ionutcoach.com