Ionut soldan
3 min readApr 15, 2024



I open my eyes in a dream. Or maybe it is another reality that I am not aware of. A large, massive door closed behind me, almost like a fortified gate of a castle. Only I am neither inside the castle nor outside. I have only one aisle in front of me. On the floor, I was greeted by a red carpet marked on the edge with fine yellow stripes. On the walls on one side and on the other are balustrades, beautifully carved in dark brown color, slightly antiqued. From place to place, lamps in the form of flowing roses illuminate the path of any hiker who ventures down this corridor. There are no windows, but somewhere in the distance you can see a strong light. Does the hall end outside? Direct sunlight? I touch the railing with my fingertips. I almost caress her, and her coolness soothes the heat of my body. Then I see the doors. All the same. One on the right, one on the left. And their symmetry is repeated as far as my vision encompasses. They are wooden doors, black like the doors, but they have golden doorknobs. I stop right next to the first one. Without a single flaw. It was as if it was mounted a second before my arrival. Then I walk slowly stopping in front of another door. As new and mysterious. What will be behind them? I listen tensely trying to distinguish sounds. But it is so quiet that I can only hear my breathing. And I go towards other doors, stopping curiously behind them, imagining what it could be, but without opening them. I want to know what is beyond them, but I don’t have the courage to open them. If I will be disappointed? Or will I get scared? Or will I discover happiness that doesn’t last? My small and hesitant steps then turn into an alert walk so that I suddenly start running. The doors speed past me as I feel the need to reach the light. But the light also runs away. The faster I run, the further away it goes. Then the doors merge into a thick and black line that narrows the space of the corridor, making it narrow and threatening. I’m scared. A terrible fear of the cage I’m in, of the inability to reach the light, of the black threats on the walls, that I sit on my knees and start to type. Now I would like to find at least one door. To open it, no matter what I discover. Maybe it would have a window. Maybe it would lead to a staircase, or a path would appear to the dreamed light. But the doors no longer exist, and I wake up in my dream… or in another reality of mine? But doesn’t that happen in real life? How many doors did I miss?

Thank you for reading my soryes !!!



Ionut soldan

Life is a road full of obstacles so you need to have the courage to pass them